Most Surreal Mission Ever (in Elona's)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

I don't know if anyone had something quite this odd happen in missions, but I went through Elona's with a friend and the rest as a PuG last night, and had one of the strangest Missions I've encountered in the game yet.

Things got off to a poor start, everyone having a tough go at it. One player hadn't done the mission before, there were a few errors, we seemed to be a little short-handed, and time was getting away on us. At one point, we nearly wiped, and while our sole monk rezzed us all, we figured out that one of our Warriors was griefing, having stayed back to dance beside the Ghost on the hill where we came in.

We continued to finish up the left side part of the mission, and in the final battle I thought I noticed a player streak right by and the crystal being picked up, but it was really fast (faster than Sprint) -- and I was fighting lag, so thought there was a server slingshot. But lo and behold, none of our 5 remaining players could find the crystal where it should have been. We checked the log and figured out who had picked up the crystal... our dancing Jack O'Lantern.

We worked our way back to the hill and badgered the Warrior (now sitting near the Ghost), until he broke silence and said "haha, I ran the mission for you." Of course, he wasn't saying where he'd stashed the crystals, or if he had retrieved both of them. There was less than 7 minutes on the clock.

Well, griefing just p---es me off, so instead of all leaving, I said, "hell with this, if we can't win this mission, let's draw the baddies over to wipe him out so he can't either." We did, and lo and behold, when he died, he dropped a Vision Crystal.

We got that to the ghost, and another player found the second crystal stashed along the entrance stair, but ran the other way with it. Somewhere along the line, our griefer was rezzed (no one knew who did it), and when the other player returned and dropped the second crystal, there was a peanut scramble for it.

We won the mission, but in spite of one of our teammates, who was still bragging that he'd done it all for us. Now, I've done Elona's many times (never running it), but that has to be the most twisted victory ever.

I'm still a little puzzled about 2 things: the unnaturally fast speed of the run and the mysterious rez. I'm wondering now if some kind of hack was possible. Unfortunately, I hadn't thought of this until later and hadn't screencapped (hopefully a teammate might have). I wonder if it'd be worth having the Devs look through their logs under a character name and approximate time?

Either way, has anyone else had so weird a Mission play out?

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


The weird thing i encounter with this mission is getting the bonus even with 2dead ghost. You all know the bonus is to use the crystal to revive all 3 priest. Well, our group got careless and we lost two ghost. The moment when the last priest is revive, the bonus icon light up and signal its finish. We were all surprise that we did this even thought we lost our only monk who left after half the group got wiped out.

Oh, and our healer after the monk left was i believed (E/Monk or Necro/Monk build person) and he was the only one that took the monking duty for us.

Count Feanor

Count Feanor

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hellsing Organization or... RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!

The Royal Priesthood


As far as the mysterious rez is concerned, did you hit any cutscenes?

Alexandria Kotov

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Shinjitsu Clan (Shin)

And this is why my second time through, I beat the game, in order, doing every single mission with henchmen. Because dammit, even Alesia is smarter than most players. Go tank healer go!

Maybe it's the heat in the desert, but...

Doing the Dunes of Despair mission with a group of henchies and guildies, my first time through the game, we ran into an invisible wall in front of the drawbridge the king has to drop for you. It was a little surreal, and very confusing. We had full mobility, access to the enemies (we wiped out the 2 groups of 3 mobs on either side of the drawbridge) but couldn't get closer than 10 game feet to the bridge. We tried any number of tricks, sent our Rangers pet through the wall by having the ranger stand as close as he could get before running into the 'wall' and having the animal roam around him, cast AoE effects to try to break it... nothing. Then suddenly the mission was finished, we got our 1kxp, skill point, and free trip, do not pass go, do not collect bonus, to Augury Rock. We still have no idea what happened. We never even killed the usurper king.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

As for the running. I heard on guild-hall or some other forum that you can stack sprint (stance) with windborn speed (enchantment). Or other 2 speed enhencements

I heard that when carrying relics (gvg map), the speed cap limit is higher than not carrying relics, I think it might be the case here with the crystal.

I heard that no matter you carry relic or not, 2 speed enchants always hit the speed cap.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Some1 raised him - pure and simple.

We had a similar issue in UW not too long ago - where a bragging griefer - not to mention incompetent nuker - was rezed after we explicitly told everyone (including in TS) not to res him. Since we where all guild mates except for the griefer and another PUG.

We thought it was the PUG. Incorrect. One of our members spotted one of the new guild mates using res sig. That member lied to me. I booted him out of the guild. Since he was a guild mate, no one suspected him.

Point is - some1 did it. Probably a friend or a member who just wanted to finish the mission.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

Originally Posted by Count Feanor
As far as the mysterious rez is concerned, did you hit any cutscenes?
No, there's only the cutscene before the mission proper, and then the cinematic at the end. Unless giving the second crystal is an automatic rez of everyone, the same way killing bosses recharges a rez signet?

Anyway, has anyone had any weirder experiences?

Laura Whitefox

Laura Whitefox

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Army of Kryta [AOK]


Back to what Corrusader said: Yes there is indeed a cap for max speed boost, but if i remember right it was caped not too long ago by 1 of the patches. But be4 that u could stack sprint with charge or whatever movement enhancers u used theoreticaly boosting yourself to 166% speed. But what Sister said is still sounds weird.

About the res:
crimsonfilms said:
"Some1 raised him - pure and simple."

Maybe You are right but why any of them would have ressed him if they'd got the crystal from him when he died? + considering how he behave towards them.

I personaly didnt had such a weird coop like SisterMercy did, tho not too long ago, when i was helping a friend in Thirsty coop with my fiendmaster necro, soon after the 3rd boss (the necro 1) someone got dc or just left so we were cut down to 5. After that we killed the monk boss group and our monk went afk... ...a bit too near to the warr boss and his guys, ^^ so he pulled aggro on us and when he died he left too.... so we were only 4, but we managed to kill the warr boss and his buddies without any monk and when the group was history, suddenly coop outro triggered and we were tped back to Augury, so we didnt had to kill the last boss and his followers, Guess it was just a bug, but a very lucky one too

Aera Lure

Aera Lure

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

In Baltar's head

Bring Out Your Dead [BOYD], former officer [LBS]


You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in Augury and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Elnoa and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Seriously though, pretty bizarre mission stories. I've had some pretty weird PUGs, but nothing quite like that.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Alexandria Kotov
And this is why my second time through, I beat the game, in order, doing every single mission with henchmen. Because dammit, even Alesia is smarter than most players. Go tank healer go!
This is true. I was standing right next to Alesia the other day and she was tanking for me and never healed herself. True tank.