Pre-Sear Mesmer Collector's Armor
Anybody know all of the locations of where to get them? Yes, I know i'm a lazy bastard.
Spug X
I can't remember all of the locations, or one of them even.
But I believe that every profession uses the same people, i.e. The bloke that gives a Mesmer his boots also gives boots to elementalists, monks, warriors, etc.
Hope that helps.
But I believe that every profession uses the same people, i.e. The bloke that gives a Mesmer his boots also gives boots to elementalists, monks, warriors, etc.
Hope that helps.
Off the top of my head: 2 in Fort Ranik, 1 outside Foibles Fair, 1 on the main path between Ascalon City and Ashford, and one more somewhere around Ashford itself.
Wait, good link here, says chainmail, but good for all professions.
Wait, good link here, says chainmail, but good for all professions.
Chest: Fort Ranik
Legs: Fort Ranik
Gloves: Just outside of Foibles Lair
Boots: Catacombs (something about this changed though, so I'm not 100% sure she's still there)
Legs: Fort Ranik
Gloves: Just outside of Foibles Lair
Boots: Catacombs (something about this changed though, so I'm not 100% sure she's still there)
Fyre Brand
Janitor I have a character in pre-sear with tons of collector items. The next time I log on I will get them to you. I haven't seen you log on in a while.
There are boots are in the gargoyle area as you exit the catacombs into Greenhills. I also think there are boots right outside of Ashford Abbey, but I'm not sure about that.
There are boots are in the gargoyle area as you exit the catacombs into Greenhills. I also think there are boots right outside of Ashford Abbey, but I'm not sure about that.