I have a warrior with secondary elementalist and no skill points to any particular element yet. My question is, what is the element that does the most damage in the shortest amount of time. I was going to go air as I've heard that does the most damage to a particular target but I don't think I;ve seen any air skills that could benefit from higher air points. Any thoughts? I also didn't see a war/ele air build on the sticky.
Also, I believe I'm going to go with swords as my primary weapon and skill point area as I just like how they look I've seen somewhere that axe does the most damage. Is this true? What are the advantages to swords?
And finally, what would be the ideal weapon(axe,sword,hammer) / elemental skill(air,earth,fire,water) to do the highest and most powerful damage in the shortest amount of time whilst still keeping up the defense?
Best elemental/weapon combo for 2nd profession warrior?
Look at the spells - it is more than what you can do in terms of damage - you can't afford the casting on them most likely if you are looking to do piles of damage from spells. If you want energy free as a warrior you need to use mostly adrenaline based skills, possibly a zealous sword for some extra energy recovery and you use spells that complement your style. Water Trident is elite, but stops a running foe and is decently spammable. Aftershock is handy area damage with a bonus vs knocked down foes, mixes well with hammers, etc...