in your opinion, is this set of armor white?
some people thought it was "tan"
Is this White?
888 ate 888
It does look tan but I was shown this in LA one day and the "White dye formula" does look tan in the bottle but looks white on the armor when worn.
Wilheim Eversmann
i have tried the "white dye" on plate armor too, it just looks tan, but they are white in different class armor, like ranger^^, maybe it just don't work with plate armor
The problem is that the armor is metallic, so it's almost impossible to have a metallic white. Hence the tan appearance.
I know that I've tried to make my knight's boots and knockdown gloves orange, and they wind up copper. I gave up and made them silver...
I know that I've tried to make my knight's boots and knockdown gloves orange, and they wind up copper. I gave up and made them silver...
Does anyone have the Dye List website, its a list of every dye combonation. I had it but i lost it or the white combo would be apreciative also but I know people sell the recipie for 3-7k.
Wilheim Eversmann
try this site^^
The best I've seen is yellow + silver + silver + silver on plate, but it still winds up a little off-white.
killer toast
Heres a dye list site thats pretty easy to understand
888 ate 888
oh yeah i didnt use silver silver silver yellow on this set