Does vampiric = more dmg??
Wilheim Eversmann
i know vamp mod will "steal" hp from foe, but does that mean it helps me to deal more dmg?? like 3 more dmg when i use my axe?? or just simply heal me for 3 hp??
Noble Knight
If you steal 3 hp, that means you must have stolen it from someone they lost 3 hp. So yes, it deals more damage in a sense. Not that sometimes when you're fighting others who have vampiric on, there's damage on you that pops up and says "-3 vampiric" or something like that.
does 3 more dmg i believe, and u get 3 of it back.
Wilheim Eversmann
em....but it seems like i did the same dmg with a non vamp axe...anyone experienced the same? if it does more dmg, is that means my axe become 9-31??
Noble Knight
No, it will NOT say you did more will just say for you +3 in blue. But to them, it will say they received 3dmg.
it'll shwo you as healed for three points and for them it will show -3 vampiric damage so yes you do more damage.