Do you have to be in a group with other players in order to get a green weapon drop from one of the bosses
I went in with a bunch of henchmen and killed at least 10 boses and no drops at all from the bosses I did get a sup. ele rune but it was air magic which isn't worth too much all in all I spent 4 hours in there killing everything in sight and got nothing worth talking about I raked in about 3k in gold from the gold drops but thats pretty much it hell even the weapon drops sucked none of the weapons were max dmg.
so whats up have they rigged it to where you have to use other people or do i have just really bad luck
the reason I use henchmen is simply because nobody wants to party with warriors anymore so to get into a party I have to stand around for hours spamming the chat LFG it's just too freakin aggrivating
A Question about the furnace
u can get grns with hench, just harder.... much
i quit greens lol.
i quit greens lol.
Battle Torn
It has more to do with how many times you farm sorrows. Instead of seeing the odd drop for someone else you see nothing for hench. Go somewhere else for a while (24 hrs) then come back you will have better chance of good items and green drops.
actually thats the first time I've ever been in there besides doing actual quests and I know you don't see the drops for the henchmen but I figured out of 1 of those something would drop but oh well the 6k xp from killing one of them was nice plus I did make some decent money out of it
I'm just dying to get my hands on one of those fabled green items everyone is selling for millions of gold
I'm just dying to get my hands on one of those fabled green items everyone is selling for millions of gold
Sister Rosette
This again....
The drop rate is the same. But you never see what drops for henchies,
thusly people believe it's lessened.
And yes, Alesia got your Razorstone.
The drop rate is the same. But you never see what drops for henchies,
thusly people believe it's lessened.
And yes, Alesia got your Razorstone.