Question about when to leave the first part of the game?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Ohio (Columbus/Mt. Vernon)

(Still searching for a decent/fun one)


What all exactly should I have accomplished b4 I go to Sir Tydus (sp?), accept his quest, and leave the begining part of the game?
Also, theres a girl named Gwen I think who lost her flute, and I found it, but now she wants a new one and I'm not sure where to take her, because I tried taking her to where u can buy one, but that didn't seem to work.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

You can buy a flute at the merchant, but sometimes Gwen won't ask for it.

I usually go through the academy at around level 7-8. That is, after I have done all the profession quests and such. Also staying around that long, I usually leave pre-searing with around 1.5k, which is always enough to craft my armor, etc, when I get to the "other side."


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Kuju
What all exactly should I have accomplished b4 I go to Sir Tydus (sp?), accept his quest, and leave the begining part of the game?
these may be of help especially the presear guide.

Amei Leng

Amei Leng

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Left coast

Sleepless In Cyberspace (SIC)

I tell all the noobs to leave Gwen alone, her quests are a waste or time, which could be spent gathering instead of dealing with her.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005




It's entirely up to you. Personally I prefer to have my toons do all quests in pre-searing and try to kill all Charr minibosses across the wall before going through the Searing.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

I go after I learn all the primary profession skills. There are some that you have to buy later if you didn't do the quests in pre-searing and cant quest for them in post.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Preston, UK

The Right Effect [REF]


I did Gwen's quests the first time round, then realised you get basically nothing off her except that she will heal you a bit... but apart from that I agree with Amei, they are a waste of time =)

I also left pre-searing at lvl 7-8 with all my characters.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

I think if you partner with someone who did those Gwen quests already, you automatically get the upgraded Gwen afterwards.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Preston, UK

The Right Effect [REF]


hehe upgraded gwen =P

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


hah, wicked pic of Gwen.

But I usually leave pre-searing depending on my boredom level, as I've completed every quest doable by a W/Mo and then ported to Post searing, and by doing so, I usually am level 9-10, with 2-3k, enough to craft new armor and dye it if I so choose.

But before leaving, make sure you grabbed rez sig from the healer outside asc. It'll come in handy if you don't have a monk to rez. Other then that, I'd do quests to net you skills and when thats all done, whatever your level, port over to post.

hope it helped
--The shim


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Ohio (Columbus/Mt. Vernon)

(Still searching for a decent/fun one)


Thanks for everybody's posts, was a lot of help.