Add more character slots...
Or at least let us buy/upgrade more slots? 4 just isn't enough if you want to play all the professions, PvE and PvP. Only way around this is to buy a 2nd copy of the game, which I guess is making money for Anet, but why not give an option to at the very least buy more slots for the same account, instead of buying multiple copies of the game? Surely a better model, since there are no additional costs involved (packaging etc)
Well I really dont see a need for making more than 3 PvE chars since you can aquire all profesions... and how long does a remake PvP char really take? 3-4min?
anyhow i got 2 accounts; one iv had since betas then a friend of mine unlocked 6 skills, computer crahsed; 6mo's later i see him on bnet; i ask hey can i have your account; hes like yeah...
the whole buy'n online has changed...
Guess what Iv done with that account? nothing.
ran myself to lions arc then dyed whole ascalon armor set black for halloween
I only have 2 real characters and a mule; then a pvp slot.
you can aquire all proffessions with one character; atleast the skills then use them in pvp...
anyhow i got 2 accounts; one iv had since betas then a friend of mine unlocked 6 skills, computer crahsed; 6mo's later i see him on bnet; i ask hey can i have your account; hes like yeah...
the whole buy'n online has changed...
Guess what Iv done with that account? nothing.
ran myself to lions arc then dyed whole ascalon armor set black for halloween
I only have 2 real characters and a mule; then a pvp slot.
you can aquire all proffessions with one character; atleast the skills then use them in pvp...
For a seperate account I believe? I'm talking about more slots for one account, so you could add as many or as little as you want. Unless I'm mistaken and buying a key online gives you more slots for the existing account you have?
the frog said there will be more char slots ( or was that in my dream ^^)
and i think D.E.V.I.A.N.C.E. was also talking about 1 account ,not seperate
and i think D.E.V.I.A.N.C.E. was also talking about 1 account ,not seperate
Yeah i'll belive that after I see an auctioning option...
and guild furnishings...
and.. my own private island named after me; so every one can see it.
and guild furnishings...
and.. my own private island named after me; so every one can see it.
Hey you changed your post after I replied, no fair
Main reason is it would be nice to have, people buy 2nd accounts, I'm sure people would also be willing to buy more slots for the one account for convenience if nothing else. Anyway in my case I have 4 slots all used, one permanent presearing to help with guildmates and recruiting, 3 all level 20 PvE (again help with guildmates and to take part in PvP, unlocked quite a lot and got max everything) so it's more of an idea for people who do both (like me)

too bad cant merge them. there is an option to add/subtract keys.
probly for xpansions ect ect.
probly for xpansions ect ect.