Does knockdown by-pass anti-interrupt spells/skills?

Waylayer Brixt

Waylayer Brixt

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

In the shadows

Slayers Of Sanity


I've been wondering about this for sometime, and I was wondering:

If a person uses:

Glyph of concentration
Mantra of concentration
Mantra of resolve

And then their opponent knocks them down when they are using a skill or spell, do they stand back up and resume casting or is it interrupted?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Its not an interrupt, its a kd... so concentration, concentration, and resolve do nothing. balanced stance, doylak signet, and... erm, i think thats it stop kd. If you get knocked down whilst casting though its the same as an interrupt. Definately true for resolve (tested) but not sure about the other two.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Chronicles of Heroes [CoH]


Indeed, knockdown is separate but more effective than simple interrupts. It requires a separate set of skills to protect yourself from it.




Join Date: Aug 2005

my w/mo uses mending, orison, and healing breeze. you cant kill him.

Sand Scorpions [SS]


ultimate uninteruptable dude: glyph of concentration, balanced stance. if only the ghostly was like that when capping on the altar


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


....just interrupt the glyph.... it would be cool if glyphs had fractional/non-existent times.... theyve always seemed to like links in a chain, which allows eles to throw out a load of stuff for less/more effectively. Therefore, 1s casting times makes it seem ungainly.