Spell Casting Times



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Supermans Crystal Palace

Legion Of The Dark Sun

Being a monk soloer of old pre patch days I have watched the changes go thru and adapted like most people but I have been curious about the casting times given to spells and the actual time it takes to cast it.

Take balthazars Aura for example. The patches brought out the casting time to a reported 2 seconds. If I time the cast time of the bar on screen it is almost three seconds or as close to 3 without actually being three as you can get. So in my mind a casting time of 2 seconds should be from the time you start the cast until the time it completes.

To me 2 seconds equals the time it takes from 0 to 2 not 0 to almost 3. Since the damage equation always rounds to the closest number I would think that the actual cast time should be 3 not 2.. Is there something I'm mission like a cast preperation time? If so should this not be counted in the overall cast time..

I will try some other spells but i have found the same thing with aura and symbol of wrath.. Shield of judgement takes close to 2 seconds rather than 1.

Any comments on where i might be making wrong calculations appreciated.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

There's sort of a lag after casting spells like Symbol of Wrath, but they DO complete at their designated times. I've been interrupted enough to know that even though you can't move or do anything after you cast, the spell has been registered and cannot be interrupted more than 2 seconds after initiating the cast. Also, if you use the elementalist's Aura of Restoration to test it, you should see you gain HP when the casting is done.

Try timing that and see what you get. It should be about the time that's specified



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Supermans Crystal Palace

Legion Of The Dark Sun

OK i did a little timing.. Again with balthazars aura. The time for the casting bar to fill is 3 seconds by my watch. During the time that the bar is filling i can and do be interrupted at any part of the cast, sometimes with only a fraction of the bar left and i dont get the spell out.. I still think the time reported is inaccurate.

The Son Of Morgoth

The Son Of Morgoth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


The Servants Of Morgoth


Hmmmm i hate the lag after the element spell inferno.................if i try using fireball afterwards i have to wait a sec before fireball starts up since the animations on inferno lag it up.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


After every spell is a .25 sec aftercast. After a pbaoe spell its 1.75 seconds or 1 sec or something close to that agh i forget aftercast. So your basically stuck for the aftecast to wear off.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Exiled

if its considered a spell its .75 second after cast and i dont believe its diffrent depending on the type of spell. touch skills aren't considered spells and i dont know what the after cast is on ranger interuption shots but its probably similar. i dont know if they fixed it or not but you could interupt someones aftercast and it would show the animation of them being interupted but they would get the spell off.

its been ages since i worried about this kind of thing so hopefully im right .