Pumpkin Heads - i wish you could keep runes from your secondary prof. in them
The Son Of Morgoth
read the title
lol...I was disappointed when long ago I first realised you couldn't put secondary runes on
My brother sold me an air magic rune to my W/E and I found I couldn't use it, then had to argue with him to sell it back.
Well...runes on Pumpkin Heads...a bit weird
And also have you noticed how much the loss of helmet armour makes...
I was farming in GoK for orr emblems with my pumpkin head on and I was getting pwnd by all these grasping ghouls and couldn't work out why till a while later...lol.
My brother sold me an air magic rune to my W/E and I found I couldn't use it, then had to argue with him to sell it back.
Well...runes on Pumpkin Heads...a bit weird
And also have you noticed how much the loss of helmet armour makes...
I was farming in GoK for orr emblems with my pumpkin head on and I was getting pwnd by all these grasping ghouls and couldn't work out why till a while later...lol.
Shimus DarkRaven
Aside from no AL on the helmet anyways, it has always been primary runes only. You're sorta asking alot by asking secondary runes to be allowed. If it's in your pumpkin helm with NO AC, best of luck to you bud =) I don't mod things with NO AC..chuckle. Still a funny though nonetheless. =) Made me smile.
--The shim
--The shim
its al...
I got my pumkin head infused 
The reason is was doing bonus mission (not infusion run) and we did the infusion along the way and the pupmkin head and one more pieace of armor was the only two things still needing infused.

The reason is was doing bonus mission (not infusion run) and we did the infusion along the way and the pupmkin head and one more pieace of armor was the only two things still needing infused.