Hi, Ive finished all the quests I can find in the begining areas except for this one (across the wall). I have searched up and down the wall and cant find any path in, or a way to open the gate. The only thing I can think of is that you have to speak with Sir Tydus(sp?) to leave, but he says you cant come back. So I just wanted to make sure thats what Im suppose to do. I would hate to possibly mess up a quest chain.
Also, when you speak to Tydus, he says to not have any unfinished buisness, and when you leave with him to fight the char, you wont be back for a long time...or something along those lines. What exactly does that mean, are there no more quests once outside? Will I be able to get new skills once I leave, or do you need to have basically all your skills you want/need before you leave?
Thanx for any info you guys can share, I just picked the game up last night so Im still trying to learn the ropes.
Across the Wall and beyond?
Last Goonie
You haven't even started the real game yet. 
Go with Tydus, everything will be okay.

Go with Tydus, everything will be okay.
Last Goonie
Ahh ok, thanx!
And way quick responces that rocked!
Thanx again!
And way quick responces that rocked!
Thanx again!

You need an ally to do that quest. One of you has to go up the stairs and yank the lever....while the other stays below and runs through that gate when it opens. Then you both will be in the zone across the wall. It is much tougher in there...be warned.

Originally Posted by Last Goonie
I have searched up and down the wall and cant find any path in, or a way to open the gate.