/invite user
or something.
Pls help cant find this command.. lol right now im runing aroun like a idiot searching for people just to invite them...
Can i invite party member if i dont see him?
Not sure about a /invite command, but I suspect it's there. Did you try it?
However, I know for sure you can type the person's name next to the green + symbol, thus not having to actually seek them out.
However, I know for sure you can type the person's name next to the green + symbol, thus not having to actually seek them out.
Rayne Morgan
If you know their name and they are in the same district as you then you can just type the person's name as mentioned above. But if you're in different districts one of you will have to jump to the district.
Mongo Like Beans
I find the easiest way (if they are talking in local, would work for anyone you can easily whisper) is to click their name like you are going to whisper them. Then highlight and hit ctrl+c then ctrl+v in the invite box.
yes you can use /invite player name.
Thnx ppl!!!