Got a nice necro/ranger thing goin
got my stalker cat up to like level 8, at that time he was alive
finished a mission and traveled back to town (Sadericla Sanitarium or whatever), got my reward and started the Oberon mission.
I leave town and my cat is gone, just, gone
trying to ressurect him just tells me "pet not in range"
ive ran various distances hoping to get within range, thinking maybe he just did die somehow and i didnt luck with that
so how the **** do i get a pet i worked hard to level up, back?
I seem to have lost my pet :(
You probably did not equip the charm animal skill. it states something like "yuor pet will travel with you whenever you have charm animal eqipped" put back Charm Animal and he should reappear when you next leave town
Pevil Lihatuh
did you unequip charm animal? the pet will only out with you if that skill is equipped