Post-searing exp/rewards low?
Pandora's box
I went to post-searing at level 7. I'm at 8 now. What I notice is that playing there is *MUCH* harder, but the experience I get from monsters is, well very poor! Because the monster levels are relatively low, but since they stick together in parties of 3 including a healer fighting them is harder. Also they only seem to drop items worth 3-5 gold. I cant make a living out of that lol! Quests have better rewards in experience, but not in items. What struck me is that in pre-searing I earned money quite fast. Note that this is not a discussion about teaming up, its just about seemingly higher droppings and faster experience on fighting monsters in Pre. Or do I overlook something?

You're partially correct. Things do get harder in post-searing and rewards at first seem lower. That is why many people suggest staying in pre till around level 8. You have to remember too that exp drops off each time you gain a level so that stuff in pre- wasn't going to be giving you exp for much longer. Besides, post-searing is much funner IMO.
Soul Monarch
No, it's just that Pre-Searing is made to be soloed 90% of the way.
It's like your intro to the game, and now that you're Post-Searing it's the real deal. Don't worry, just keep going. Byt the time you start passing mission's and get to Yak's Bend the game starts dropping all kinds of fun stuff.
It's like your intro to the game, and now that you're Post-Searing it's the real deal. Don't worry, just keep going. Byt the time you start passing mission's and get to Yak's Bend the game starts dropping all kinds of fun stuff.
sort of... except that you can get 2,000 exp from missions (if you do bonus) and take a visit to Piken Square where you'll find quests that give out tons of exp.
They make the earliest areas around Ascalon City doable by people who entered the Academy at level 3, so a lot of the early stuff is going to be not terribly rewarding experience-wise. Just head through it, grabbing any skill quests you want, then do a few missions until you're into areas where the monsters hit around level 8 or more.
most of the experience down that road is supposed to come from doing quests and, especially, missions. Grinding doesn't amount to much. Also, if you are grouping up or using henchmen, you recieve the amount of gold from each drop DIVIDED by the total number of members in the party.
Pandora's box
Originally Posted by WT-Yank
most of the experience down that road is supposed to come from doing quests and, especially, missions. Grinding doesn't amount to much. Also, if you are grouping up or using henchmen, you recieve the amount of gold from each drop DIVIDED by the total number of members in the party.

I dont worry, its fun enough. Was just wondering