We could have had a auction house!
With all the time sepnt on various things such as surrows furrance, faction, the halloween event, and other various things we could have had a perfect auction house. I can not understand why they waste so much time on halloween when that could have been put into designing a auction system. While the halloween event lasted a week and added a little more fun to the game, an auction system would give much, much, more replay ability.
Believe it or not, there are thousands of players who would much prefer new PvE areas/events than an auction house to sell/buy their trinkets.
I am not sure how you think an auction house adds to replay value of the PvE game more than new explorable areas and PvE goals/events, but I sure do respect your right to have that opinion!
I am not sure how you think an auction house adds to replay value of the PvE game more than new explorable areas and PvE goals/events, but I sure do respect your right to have that opinion!
Relax dude. Auction house will be introduced in the near future.
Not everyone is as concerned with getting money as fast as possible as with getting new stuff to play.
Dancing Blade
just make trading between players no longer possible, then there is no need for an auction house....
I sort of agree, i'm in no rush with an auction house really. I'd rather get new areas, or events, trading is not that hard.
auction house problem is a lot of additionbal traffic and webspace.
bet it comes as soon as its released far east.
bet it comes as soon as its released far east.
Shadowspawn X
Yeah, the auction house thing is about as important as a cape toggle, which btw seems to have created a bug in guild associations form time to time. Has any noticed this? I seem to lose my guild often now since the cape toggle.
the guild error was here a couple weeks before the cape toggle. the cape toggle is only visual, i doubt the two bugs are connected.
i remember losing my guild and cape upon entering some district, and my first thought was, "did they implement the cape toggle already?" when it had actually been a few weeks before the fact.
it's an annoying bug to be sure, but i doubt they are related...
as for the auction house thing, i don't think 100% of the game population is interested in buying and selling 100% of the time. it would be a nice thing to have, but I am sure they're working on it on their own pace. We asked for the cape/helm toggle? they delivered it. Along with a huge, and beautifully done, and fun halloween update. we asked for the auction house, and rest assured, i'm sure it's coming. have some faith in our devs.
i remember losing my guild and cape upon entering some district, and my first thought was, "did they implement the cape toggle already?" when it had actually been a few weeks before the fact.
it's an annoying bug to be sure, but i doubt they are related...
as for the auction house thing, i don't think 100% of the game population is interested in buying and selling 100% of the time. it would be a nice thing to have, but I am sure they're working on it on their own pace. We asked for the cape/helm toggle? they delivered it. Along with a huge, and beautifully done, and fun halloween update. we asked for the auction house, and rest assured, i'm sure it's coming. have some faith in our devs.

Events and additions to the game are so much more important (and fun) than an Auction House will ever be.
I couldnt care less about auction house, since i dont pve. Whereas technically everyone benifits from graphics.
Frankly, im not bothered about aesthetics either although i appreciate them, I could argue equally that tombs needs some sort of pug quick search thing and be equally right. But who cares?
Frankly, im not bothered about aesthetics either although i appreciate them, I could argue equally that tombs needs some sort of pug quick search thing and be equally right. But who cares?
Wasteland Squidget
No. No we couldn't have.
I'm just going to copy and paste a post I made on GWOnline on the same subject...
I'm just going to copy and paste a post I made on GWOnline on the same subject...
Originally Posted by Wasteland Squidget
First off, consider the 'zot.' A zot is a unit of time it takes a given Arenanet developer to accomplish something. Auction House takes X zots, Observer Mode takes Y zots, ect.
Further, zots are broken up into sections. A programmer cannot effectively create new creatures or areas any more than an artist can add new gameplay features. Arenanet has a given number of art zots, programming zots, design zots, sound zots, ect to divide among the various features they want to implement. Now, an Auction House is a feature that requires primarily programming zots. New art requirements are minimal to none, but the amount of effort needed to program and maintain such a system is probably quite large. The same is true for Observer Mode, along with many other highly requested features. The Halloween update featured very few additions on the programming side. Area art was updated, a few creatures were added or changed, and minor VFX changes like the Absinthe and pumpkin helm were added to the game. However, the Halloween update used very little programming infrastructure not already present. From Arenanet's perspective it's just a matter of plugging in the new art and streaming it, since (beyond cape/mask toggle which has been highly requested) no notable new features were added through the update. So the Halloween Update is what the artists have been doing while the programmers were working on the auction house and observer mode - Halloween update or not, we'll likely see those things released at around the same time as they would otherwise have been. |
The Auction House was much wanted long ago. Perhaps the change in the mood is that people have adapted. Now that many people have 'been there seen that' in the game new content is more important.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Bwsk8
With all the time sepnt on various things such as surrows furrance, faction, the halloween event, and other various things we could have had a perfect auction house. I can not understand why they waste so much time on halloween when that could have been put into designing a auction system. While the halloween event lasted a week and added a little more fun to the game, an auction system would give much, much, more replay ability.
How the hell does an auction house give "much much more replay ability" than the new updates that we've had. Use your head for drying out loud.
Closed because it's really not a discussion and more of just a rant.