inspired from the other thread started on a new class lol ok here's the deal.. they look like dwarfs but they are black
the main thing with the roto is they are naked and wear a gord to cover thier stuff like those south america tribes.. the different gords will boost different stats- and the rest of the armor is tatooes
there main thing is a 'death from above' move where the gord lands on your forehead for the ko.. you can also have this elite move where you spin and the gord kd's everyone on the map and then you can switch styles (like my favorite would be monkey style).. like crane, monkey, tiger, lizard, and golden retriever style
these styles would have the same skill do different things (kind of like a passive).. like monkey style would make you roll around you get raged- the gord enlarges and everyone gets a morale boost
also the roto's would also have those big discs in thier lips which absord hexes and can tunnel into the ground instant with a skill called rotorooter.. also you would have to give other classes the ability to use stilts- while underground the roto's can attack and overpower a noobie but fall to a monk on stilt's with spikes on the end
here's some video >
new class idea- the rotorootii
Mustache Mayhem
im sorry , but is this a serious post?
Ranger Li
I can only hope you are not serious... I don't want a butt rocket move sorry.
oh god no......
Sister Rosette
Yeah, the last thing I want is a face full of loincloth.
/not signing the RotoRooter
/not signing the RotoRooter
For obvious reasons.
For obvious reasons.
Hahaha. A septic tank snake class....interesting, but...ummm no.