Can some one enlighten me


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ok heres my problem im a Necro / Warrior, I have only been playing for a few days. My have a N/W PvE charcter and a PvP one. Now im only able to play in the 4 on 4 battles, nobody will toss me an invite i do not have a guild. Even in 4 on 4 i had a monk tell me he will not PvP with a Necro / warrior on his team, he said "Your a damage sponge". This is far from true, im not a tank no but i can kill, and heal my self at the same time. I have tried it the other way around, a W/N and i cant live as long with out the energy reg. The warrior only had 5 less energy but just could fill the role. I can kill Elementist with a 4 move combo, it takes around 4 to 5 sec with all the insta cast. I can also stand toe to toe with every other warrior i have had to fight exept a W / M we just stand there for ever. Had one last night every one died and we stood there for like ( I would rather not fight a warrior I think of this charcter as a caster killer and he is good at ) but i can hold my own and even kill a warrior if now caster start in on me. I can even live through 2 warriors beating on me, my damage drops by like 40 to 45% do to the fact i cant use my high energy blood spells and aderline spells. This will get you killed trying to toss one inbetween the heals and drains. I have tried to get it to work but it dont. but i live my health stays around 250 to 300. After a good life siphon, blood renew, vampirc touch. Its a full and will stay there for 10 to 12 secs, so i do not need healed, and why do people act like this. I now exept the fact that besides the monk i will be the last one alive. Very seldoms is it differnt from my battles, so i drop one of my skills to take a rez signet. So i guess after the rambling on and on, can anyone give me a good reason why the Necro/Warrior would have people act like this. The way it is going it is going to hurt my getting into a good to disent guild alot, and thats what this game is all about.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Merrimack, NH

Looking for serious PvP, yet wanting to try things kinda Guild!


Hmmm, well...I have NOT played in one PvP battle, nor have I tried either of those profession, but from a general standpoint from his use of "damage sponge" and from how I know people are playing this game, I can tell you that people want characters that can do strictly damage.

The fact that if the Healer in your PvP battle dies, you can hold your own will be a moot point and escape everyones attention. They want YOU to do ALL the damage while THEY heal YOU.

Personally, I would much rather team with someone who could be the clutch player. Someone who if left alone without a healer just might be able to win.

Not someone, who can only deal damage and not be able to heal themselves. What good is that, if they get stuck in a toe-to-toe match with a Monk who can deal a bit of damage now and then, but can keep his health at full while whittling away at them. If that player can't kill the Monk, and can't heal themselves, they are fighting a losing battle.

That is just my take on it, and again while I have not played a single PvP match OR played either of those Professions, that is my opnion based on how people PLAY games.
