What is the best market city?

Ard Wen

Ard Wen

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Haz Team


In our opinion which city do you go to buy and/or sell?

I found that materials are best traded in Droknars Forge, but not sure on which city is best for weapons and other stuff.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

Lion's Arch seems to be the hub of most trading in GW, due to its ease of access by newer characters and easy access to merchants and traders.

For green items, the Deldrimor War Camp area seems to be the best place.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

[KoA] Knights of the Alliance


Most of my selling/buying is done either on these forums, or in Lion's Arch. LA usualy has a fair amount of districts, and as Lasareth said, is easily accessed by most characters. In general, it seems to me the best place to buy or sell materials is in a town close to where the material drops (for instance, ectos drop in UW, ToA can be a good place to buy them) Should that not apply to the item you are buying/selling, LA is probably the place to be.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

San Francisco


I've noticed that mostly high-weapons are being sold in LA, whereas AC is a better spot to buy Runes, Dyes, or materials. Still, it'll get much better when Anet puts in the auction house



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Anderson IN USA

Ecks Di [xD]


i totally gave up on trading anything but materials in game, i auction my stuff in the forums here, i tried for over an hour to sell a dwarven axe in lions arch 1, and i was only trying to get 20k for it, i put it on auction here, and it finally sold for 100k and 25 shards, so yeah, forget spamming, until they make an auction house, i am selling all my stuff here