The purpose is to give good teams in both the competition and team arenas a bigger challenge, and to allow teams starting out to get their feet wet before getting crushed by a much superior foe.
Feature overview
- Each group is assigned a provisional strength rating on entry into the arena
- Changes in strength rating comes from victories in the arena
- Strength rating and relative position shown for the players
- Separate ranking systems in competition and team arenas, rating is only relavant to one playform
The rating system
The implementation of the system is fairly straightforward - Upon entry into the arena, each team recieves a provisional strength rating that will change as the team defeats opponents. The changes in strength rating is quadratic to the difference in strength rating of the defeated team, enabling the rating to go up rapidly on defeat of a skilled team. In this, the temporary rating in the arenas would be similar to the guild ladder rating.
The truly interesting part would be the changes to the matching system. At every new match pulse, the available teams would be comared for strength, and the closest matches would be thrown together, with the wakest/newest team left with a "no opposing team"-message if the queuing teams are uneven in number.
This would ensure that, as a group rises through the ranking of active teams, they are matched against increasingly difficult opponents. It would also make sure that groups starting out will have some "grace time" to get their teamwork together before being confronted with the best teams.
In the basic suggestion, the rating is reset upon a loss, meaning that each time the team goes into the arenas, they start from scratch, but see also below for another alternative.
Feedback and rewards
After each match, the team strength rating would be shown, as well as the relative position of the team amongst the active teams in the arena. Possibly, the strength of the opposing team could be shown at the start of the team, though this might be intimidating.
On becoming the top team in the arena, a good amount of faction might be handed out to the players of the team, giving a good incentive to get there.
The current top team could/should be advertised locally to the people in the arena/waiting hall (much as the winner of the HoH is done throughout the world) giving an incentive to clamor to the top.
Additional functionality
In the case of the team arena, it would be possible to retain the rating of the group even after a loss, as long as the group members remain the same. This might be somewhat complicated to code and make understandable, but in my opinion, it would be fun to have a possibility of decreasing strength rating. Also, it would avoid the need for skilled groups to "grind" through light resistance after being defeated by a worthy opponent.
This suggestion may have been posted before, in which case I apologize and hope that this thread can be merged with the predecessor