.... all said on title
Any of u guys think this items r worth naything???
Mr D J
Originally Posted by TyLLy_4
Are you crazy? Why are you posting all your junk here? None of it has any value. To the merchant ...
Zephyr Jackson
Sell the Items at place like Droknars (crafting materials) ill buy the major rune Mesmer from you though
Maybe the +25 from the gold Water Staff too
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Hell, I'll take the Water Staff period. I need a new staff for my Hydro.
Well .. prices r low ... so PM me on game or post biuds guy
Originally Posted by Zephyr Jackson
Sell the Items at place like Droknars (crafting materials) ill buy the major rune Mesmer from you though
*Laughing* Dude... have you even seen the price mesmer runes go for these days. Apperantly Mesmers arent a high in demand class... or at least the runes arent. I bought every single superior mesmer rune for 100 gold at rune trader. I figure someday when people are more experienced with GW they will opt to play a Mesmer... and thus the rune prices may increase granting me a bit of profit!
One can only hope that mesmer runes will one day reach monk rune popularity and I can get a profit of 18k+! LOL
*Laughing* Dude... have you even seen the price mesmer runes go for these days. Apperantly Mesmers arent a high in demand class... or at least the runes arent. I bought every single superior mesmer rune for 100 gold at rune trader. I figure someday when people are more experienced with GW they will opt to play a Mesmer... and thus the rune prices may increase granting me a bit of profit!
One can only hope that mesmer runes will one day reach monk rune popularity and I can get a profit of 18k+! LOL
finally sonme one that undertands that the MESMER its the BEST profession on the ganme and also the hardes t.... its theonly one that can specialize in anti meele and anti casters ....... its only hard to play .... and there no expereeced player that can play one ..... i have a Me/E and i wouldt change him for nuthing .... hes the best i rape the crap out of th emonks by using domination then i nuke thme for dramage an some ilussion cant hurt neither
P.S. PPL that use ilusionry as a m,ain offensive skill r stoopid ... ilusionary its designed as a support and a defense not a main dramage skill .... YES DEFENSE! when a warior sees ur givin him back moe dramage than he t u .. hell run form u
P.S. PPL that use ilusionry as a m,ain offensive skill r stoopid ... ilusionary its designed as a support and a defense not a main dramage skill .... YES DEFENSE! when a warior sees ur givin him back moe dramage than he t u .. hell run form u
Former Ruling
ALL Major Runes cost 100 gold. Except for 3. Vigor, Absorbtion, and Fire magic (which costs like 110-120 given the time of day - so doesnt even really count).