[xD]'s new hang out.
personally Grotto has a lot of immature crap. "Oh look I'm peeing on his head" or "everyone get naked and dance." there is a lot of /rock paper scissors which we all know what people are doing with that. I only go there for armor, otherwise its just a place for horrible flashbacks of the first grade.
Fisherman's haven has been a very peaceful place. I've enjoyed going and sitting in a tent for hours going through my inventory and just relaxing. I agree with anyone else in this thread that hopes Fisherman's haven will remain that way and not turn into another Grotto.
Fisherman's haven has been a very peaceful place. I've enjoyed going and sitting in a tent for hours going through my inventory and just relaxing. I agree with anyone else in this thread that hopes Fisherman's haven will remain that way and not turn into another Grotto.
Originally Posted by Leslie
Fishermans haven is a nice place, I like the calm sound of the waves and the birds. Thanks again to Kago who ran my mesmer there last night.
I agree drakkar, nothing wrong with a good carrot.
Very sorry.
Originally Posted by Josh
Oh sheez, how pathetic are you DarkWasp? Stirring up this petty argument?
Stupid, it's just an Outpost, your acting like it's yours and you own it. As I said neither I or xD own this district. Last night a bunch of people started drawing ASCII breasts in the chat screen. This is exactly what I did not want tto happen. Think about America, I dont own the country but I live in it. I feel that it is my duty not to let people get away with things that are against the rules and affect me or anyone innocent. I didnt mean to sound hostile, sorry if I did. Leslie
Heh, thats ok, I'm sure you didn't mean it to sound that way you seemed a nice enough chap when i met you there last night
I also hang out in Fisherman's... but i'm on the european server... D'oh!
Originally Posted by kimahri
I also hang out in Fisherman's... but i'm on the european server... D'oh!
I'd hang out in the international district but those usauly turn out as a major racist battle. Is it active over there in Fisherman's Haven (Europe)? (I have some pictures for you guys here in a sec.) BBoy_Manchild
Originally Posted by DarkWasp
They all have their points were they say somthing bad enough for a report.
I let the grotto be, go ahead and talk about perverted things there, but cross the line here and youll face your lil time out. As I meant to say, you are weolcome here if you behave. you shouldnt be reporting people anyways, thats not very nice and that offends me, and the last time i checked, people offending other people... DarkWasp
The silent days before [xD] showed up
After everyone showed up, ALT-TAB did this to Flow Drive's armor 2 Rays in a tent! There is my screenshots. Leslie
I hope they dont fix that Alt Tab armour thing, because it can be interesting to see what sort of twisted looking armour you can get :P
Originally Posted by Leslie
I hope they dont fix that Alt Tab armour thing, because it can be interesting to see what sort of twisted looking armour you can get :P
One time it ripped an eles underwear off.
And added a glob growth to a ranger in grotto. kratic
there was a necro the other day saying you should move to fisherman's, i guess you all took him seriously lol. I dont htink he was xD, but he very well could have been.
Sister Rosette
*Sighs* Guess I need to find a new log in/out point if I want peace
and quiet.... Ray
At least we got rid of all those "OMFG U NUB, STFU OMG OMG" -people, and spammers/desperate sellers..
Oh yeah, and "Give me money im poor plz??????!!!!" -people. The undead Mesmer
but did you move to the international districts yet
Scorpion Boy
Originally Posted by The undead Mesmer
but did you move to the international districts yet
Think we didnt done that yet maybe we wont...
You'll see.. 1 more thing i hate carrots Leslie
No carrot bashing!
Also, I think the calmer atmosphere of Fishermans Haven will promote calmer behaviour. People got annoyed all the time with beggers, and people complaining about expensive armour. There will be none of that in Fishermans so let's hope it stays as it is now, without it turning into what Grotto did. _necroangel_
Originally Posted by DarkWasp
They all have their points were they say somthing bad enough for a report.
I let the grotto be, go ahead and talk about perverted things there, but cross the line here and youll face your lil time out. As I meant to say, you are weolcome here if you behave. Do what you feel is right by all means, but fishermans haven does not belong to just one group of people nor does grotto, it's a game, all locations belong to everyone...Unless somehow someone has a private server ^.~ tomcruisejr
grotto is dead without xD. hope youll be back there. fishermans haven is a good hangout tho. the tropics gl BBoy_Manchild
its sad when a guild can make or break an outpost hangout
I feel bad for Fisherman's Haven...because of this post its shot up in popularity by a ton. Not just xD and TS, every random Grotto person has come to Fisherman's Haven now...
You may want to not post your hang out next time... Sarrow
One thing I dont understand is this: WHY did the griefers go through the effort of getting ran to this outpost, psh bunch of little stalkers.
I dunno.... it seems ok at the moment... if any of the particularly nasty characters show up Raymond will sort them out!
*awaits his sorting out.... * neoteo
if you want a place just for you , get a guild hall !!
for me chating is part of the game , i use to go to grotto for chat , and ill go the heavens for chat ... if i dont like whats going on , i just leave ... _necroangel_
yup, yup....got a good point there...but if one is gonna break the rules, I'd report them...I've reported several people already...but not in our guild of course..At least I hope not...On any note...If ya breaking the rules then that's reason enough to report... ^.^
Kago Seirei
Someone reported my other account, a full day of suspension. -.-;;
Phi's suspension for mentioning frog legs to the frog was probably the harshest. Then again, she didn't tell me the whole story... I dunno.
I really like the Fishermans Haven atm. just went to see grotto, got people begging, and the usual stuff. The undead Mesmer
the darkdawn family already got their home in fishermans haven so dont worry ^^
got 2 families to look after hehe. The Baltimore family and The Darkdawn family ^^ |