Signet of Capture
Midnight Scorpion
Ever since I started hunting bosses for elite skills, i've encountered something really disturbing. I can capture elite skills for my secondary only, but when i try to capture for my primary i get a message that says i already have this skill. I'm not really sure what to make of this, does anyone else have this problem? I have sufficient skill points if that helps any, and im a N/Me with 0 Necro elites and 4 Mesmer elites.
Maybe you already have the skill you are trying to capture....
I'm nowhere near that point (level 4), but I think I read somewhere that the bosses skills are class specific. Are you sure the bosses you're fighting are Necro-based?
Midnight Scorpion
No, I don't already have the Elite skill im trying to capture.
Yes, im fighting necro bosses. Still no idea what's going on.
Yes, im fighting necro bosses. Still no idea what's going on.
I'm assuming you've got the boss targeted and are watching for the icon of the skill you want to capture to appear below his lifebar?
Most bosses are pretty savvy and will not even do a skill unless the conditions are right. For example, I had to drag a Warrior boss over to some henchmen to get him to trigger "Hundred Blades" because he wouldnt do it if I was the only target close enough to hit.
Does this problem persist even after logging out and restarting?
Most bosses are pretty savvy and will not even do a skill unless the conditions are right. For example, I had to drag a Warrior boss over to some henchmen to get him to trigger "Hundred Blades" because he wouldnt do it if I was the only target close enough to hit.
Does this problem persist even after logging out and restarting?
Midnight Scorpion
The problem persist after logging out and restarting. I know im doing it right because i've captured elites of my secondary, but all elites of primary fail
Sounds like bad luck my friend, If at first you fail, try, try again.
Midnight Scorpion
Ugh, 3 days of bad luck. I should buy a new copy of GW and start fresh. Any last suggestions before I ditch this thread?
I'd contact Area, or anyone you can get a hold of; I don't think buying a new game is going to fix this...