Name that wand!
^.~ what is it and where can you get it?
FreedomFighter nl
It's a quest item in the mission Dunes of Despair. It slows the enemy and it's no weapon
FreedomFighter nl
I name it Slow Totem ( Thats's the real name xD)
I think the better question would be what is that character doing in the background? Also how the wand got the way it does in that picture...
It looks similar to a monk wand that I've seen before, I think it was anyway. But as far as where to get it your guess is as good as mine.
It looks similar to a monk wand that I've seen before, I think it was anyway. But as far as where to get it your guess is as good as mine.
aww...freedom fighter got it right already ^^ yes its the Slow Totem in dunes of despair and you can use it if you choose to get it. Most people skip it and never even know about it.
FreedomFighter nl
Racthoh take a sword ,go stand out side and drop it . The sword will stand with the blade in the ground
Well I'll be damned...
Learn something everyday.
Learn something everyday.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
I think the better question would be what is that character doing in the background? Also how the wand got the way it does in that picture...
It looks similar to a monk wand that I've seen before, I think it was anyway. But as far as where to get it your guess is as good as mine. That isn't a character in the background. It's a the front lower half of a losaru bladehand.
All the wands, staves, and swords will fall vertical and stabbed into the ground when you drop it. Very cool
It looks similar to a monk wand that I've seen before, I think it was anyway. But as far as where to get it your guess is as good as mine. That isn't a character in the background. It's a the front lower half of a losaru bladehand.
All the wands, staves, and swords will fall vertical and stabbed into the ground when you drop it. Very cool
HA, that explains the hooves...
Think I need a slap in the face before looking over the forums anymore.
Think I need a slap in the face before looking over the forums anymore.
looks cool tho even if u can't use it
Another even more unheard-of item:
(Image credits to Nobleman Azure, as I'm too lazy to go take screenies of it >_<)
(Image credits to Nobleman Azure, as I'm too lazy to go take screenies of it >_<)
Mr Jazzy
looks like the quest item with kasha blackblood near sardelac sanitarium
Thats out in the desert by all the mobs of Enchanted Swords, Bows, and Hammers.
Yeah - People were speculating that it was some unimplemented quest item...
Originally Posted by FreedomFighter nl
I name it Slow Totem ( Thats's the real name xD)
where do u find it in dunes o.O
where do u find it in dunes o.O
Originally Posted by Elena
where do u find it in dunes o.O
After you cross the first bridge, you should see a Losaru Protector...he should run off and lead you an altar on the far right side with a couple of losaru and the totem sitting there. YOu can carry it and use it to protect your Ghostly Hero (it acts like a Ward against Foes)
it's pretty..
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
it's pretty..
... and it's just floating above your left hand o_o
... and it's just floating above your left hand o_o
yah.. BUG BUG BUG! ;_;