What's the point?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


A while back, I picked up a wand off a collector for one of my characters. Nothing fancy, but effective nonetheless. I'm pretty sure a few people are familiar with this:

A couple weeks ago, I picked up another one (+5 energy always is a very nice bonus for any caster, damage is pretty much pointless), and found it had been changed to this:

Then yesterday, I picked up a third one, only to find out it had changed yet again:

I know it's probably a moot point, but I'm dumbfounded as to why it was changed. An item that nobody would ever use for attacking, and most would probably avoid alltogether, has had its combat abilities changed twice. Was 3-4 damage too "uber"? Is 10% less damage going to make any difference on such a low damage weapon? Why the hell did it need changing in the first place? My brain just can't fathom why it was changed at all, or why it was changed again. So my question to all - it's a weak newbie wand from Ascalon, and yet it was changed. Could someone come up with an explanation?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


im guessing its "Nerf every +5 energy unconditional one handed weapon out there" month.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


I call it a...
keep that guy on fire for the whole duration of that hex...
the one where they start on fire everytime there hit with fire dmg...
whole group of ppl be like attacking with that wand...
oh yeah that hex with that other hex where a new condition hurts them...


Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


I think they stack all those dmg-10% on there so some people would think it stinks cuase of that - even though its the only collecter Wand I know of that has an inherent +5 energy always.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
I call it a...
keep that guy on fire for the whole duration of that hex...
the one where they start on fire everytime there hit with fire dmg...
whole group of ppl be like attacking with that wand...
oh yeah that hex with that other hex where a new condition hurts them...

Yeah, the only combat use I can see it having is to trigger Mark of Rodgort. But my question still remains, why were the "pointless" mods on it changed? Did A.Net think changing the "pointless" mods would make it any more/less better? It's just one item I can't figure out.

Too bad I can't ask the person who changed it.



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Actually my warrior uses it, not for the purpose of triggering Mark of Rodgort but to build up adrenaline against certain foes.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

Surely the +25% against Charr must account for something



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Look at it today

Ard Wen

Ard Wen

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Haz Team


Its another attempt to reduce the power of nukers LOL



Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

Actually all 3 of the 4-7 damage versions are still available. The collector only offers one of them per visit, you can re-zone to reset him and get the one you want.

Are there any other collectors out there that work like this? He's the only one I know of.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by lyra_song

Look at it today
Sheesh, can't they just pick one and be happy with it?

Originally Posted by Ensign
Actually all 3 of the 4-7 damage versions are still available. The collector only offers one of them per visit, you can re-zone to reset him and get the one you want.
That just makes even less sense. Why would anyone take the 3rd (or 1st) 4-7 damage wand, when they can just rezone a few times and get one with slightly less damage, but better overall?

Originally Posted by Ensign
Are there any other collectors out there that work like this? He's the only one I know of.

I doubt there could be many more like him, if this is really the case. Most later collectors are either armour or perfect 20/20 offhands, 15% while whatever, or bonus hp while something. A few collectors in the Kryta area have +15 -1 regen items, or bonus to a skill and some HP. Ascalon seems to be the only area with very unique (and rather weak) items. Maybe one day we'll see more dynamic collectors everywhere, where their items rotate between different mods on PvP items and some versions that are unique in name and/or image and stats.

Now I'm wondering if there are more like him as well. Time to go romping around Ascalon.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Yes Ascalon has some of the WEIRDEST weapons in the game, imo.