hi Reader,
The reason i starting a thread on the update.
ok lets start with Farming Issue. Why do people farm.
- Take a look at the Rune Trader. a Sup Absorb cost 100 plat.(Since the Rune Hunting has been nerf we got no source to get rune.) and of course not forgeting the shiverpeak,miner chest. Key is costly and they drop crap.
Outcome People Farm to earn the gold and buy from the ANet Trader.
- Take a look at the pricing of an FoW Set of Armor. in need of 120 Ectos and 120 Shards. Per Ecto Cost 11-12 plat. 3.2-4 plat per shard. Plus Material Plus 15plat per piece Plus Entrance Fee of 1 plat. How many player can affort that without farming. 2 million~~~~
From this 2 case. I strongly think that Farming is not wrong in game. Nerf the Drop but not with all those changes made now. Why?
Heres what i think. By doing all those changes. monster flee when u cast an AoE Skill. its very unfair to an ele. as most of their spell are AoE(I suppose)
it make them useless.
Really hope theres an changes on the game update. please do not flame me as i'm juz stating a 50cent comment.
Game play is good but too much of "nerf" here n there.
i''m not denying i'm whining. But i am. it really turn me off when i wanted to click on the gw.exe icon.
Just a Player
Comment About The Latest Update 10th Nov
Originally Posted by Kyng
Per Ecto Cost 11-12 plat.
We don't need another thread about the update. Closed.