I have one last silly question I should have thought of in my previous post.
I have a lot of problems controling charecters in 3rd person games and was curious if the game is 1st or 3rd person.
*Note to admins- Sorry to clutter up the board with stuff that isn't actually about in game things. Was struggling to find the info anywhere, probably because its a stupid question, but thought I would ask anyway!
First Person?
It is both. You can simply zoom all the way in to make have a 1st person view.
Auntie I
You can run it either way. I find using the first person hard. you can't see anything around you, like where that monster attacking you is.
Ok. Thanks for the info!
You can get the best of both worlds in this game. You can change the view via the mouse scroll button [default] to first person or varying degrees of 3rd person.
Definately not a stupid question man. Yes it is 3rd person and yes it is 1st person. You can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom the camera into a first person view, but I'd recommend trying it in 3rd person first give it a few hours of play time and I think you'll find that 3rd person view is what you need to be effective in this game, 1st just doesn't let you see enough.
With your radar and your initial desire to run 1st person that is my recommendation.
I personally love the 1st person view (more realistic), I personally cannot stand 3rd person games.
I personally love the 1st person view (more realistic), I personally cannot stand 3rd person games.
I like 3rd person all the way zoomed out. More field of view to catch stuff.
I'll warn you though, the game defiantly wasn't designed with first person in mind. I use first person in most games when I can, but I never use it in this one except to take a screenshot.
Originally Posted by dok1
I'll warn you though, the game defiantly wasn't designed with first person in mind. I use first person in most games when I can, but I never use it in this one except to take a screenshot.
And I always played DS in 3rd person. Was there even an option not to?