Originally Posted by mioga
Why I really don't know? People saying things you don't like to hear cause it differs from your oppinion
Yes I had lots of fun while farming. Now It is not fun I have level 20's that will just sit there now. My fun was taken away when they killed farming. You say it is not dead but for me it is. AOE was the only way I liked to farm and it will be the only way I will have ever farmed. If this one get closed as well I just wanted to get that cleared up.
if you had fun remember if with joy.
if you no longer have fun with the game find a new one that makes you happy.
to say that all the fun you had was just an illusion and not really fun is foolish.
take your happy memories of the fun you had and find something new that suits you now.
to stay where you are not having fun is foolish in my opinion
note that this is NOT a get lost comment but one that wishes you well if you stay or go