For some reason, I am unable to infuse headgear from the Iron Mines seer. Whenever we deliver the essence and I go to talk to her (with my uninfused Stone Eye), all I get is "May luck somethingsomething something.." text and something similar along the lines of that as the only option. I've compared with wearing a fully infused armour set, for which I do get the "No more armour can be infused etc." text.
My eye is from one of the desert collectors, although I doubt if that should make any difference, since my infused ones were also collectors'.
Problem with infusion process
Premium Unleaded
Shimus DarkRaven
Very odd, indeed. All mine infused, and I was wearing collectors leggings. But eh, retry the mission if it still doesn't work, it's technical, and talk to customer support. I'm unaware of any armor that doesn't let you "infuse" I said, just try again, if know what to do
-The shim
-The shim
If you have the time and energy, run it with a different piece of headgear and see if it will infuse... I ran this earlier and got my pumpkin helm infused just for the heck of it. 0=)
make sure you're not wearing anything thats already infused when you chat him up. Kill the eidilon and then strip down to nothing except the headgear you want to infuse.
i dont think that will help, i had my droks headpiece infused and was wearing it when i got my fissure armor infused, that is certainly a weird problem though