What is the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?
The undead Mesmer
Whell this is a kinda strange story but my necromancer has 490hp but when he uses demonic flesh he has 666hp and when he uses demonic flesh strange things are happening (not a lie its true)
Like today i whent on a pleasant walk through the desert when i saw 4 worms coming out of the ground right infront of me and if that whasent enough after the 4 worms 5 salvaging cactusses came out of the ground so i whas running running and running until i got ambushed by a few minotaurs whell no biggie because i whas rid of the worms and the cactus guys.
but while i whas killing them the worms came out in-front of me and started killing the minotaurs, i said to myself hmmm maybe they can help me kill a few griphons whell i ran away again and as luck would have it i agroed all the griphons.
i thought that i whas doomed and i had to run all the way back to that place when suddenly the 4 danmed worms got out of the ground again >.<.
whell they killed all the griphons but lost one of their brothers so only 3 worms left. i ran away again thinking hmmm maybe they like me. so i stoud still and the danmed cactusses popped infront of me again not a biggy so i killed them.
when suddenly the ground shoke and the worms came out of the ground again this time they where mad and they brought 2 buddies so 5 worms is bad really bad i ran away again. but i got caught and i got killed.
all by all the most strangest things happen when you have 666hp.
i also included 2 pictures with the worms and i whas also wondering has something like this happened to you before (bad luck strange happenings folklore post it here)
*if you can count you can see the 4 worms*
Like today i whent on a pleasant walk through the desert when i saw 4 worms coming out of the ground right infront of me and if that whasent enough after the 4 worms 5 salvaging cactusses came out of the ground so i whas running running and running until i got ambushed by a few minotaurs whell no biggie because i whas rid of the worms and the cactus guys.
but while i whas killing them the worms came out in-front of me and started killing the minotaurs, i said to myself hmmm maybe they can help me kill a few griphons whell i ran away again and as luck would have it i agroed all the griphons.
i thought that i whas doomed and i had to run all the way back to that place when suddenly the 4 danmed worms got out of the ground again >.<.
whell they killed all the griphons but lost one of their brothers so only 3 worms left. i ran away again thinking hmmm maybe they like me. so i stoud still and the danmed cactusses popped infront of me again not a biggy so i killed them.
when suddenly the ground shoke and the worms came out of the ground again this time they where mad and they brought 2 buddies so 5 worms is bad really bad i ran away again. but i got caught and i got killed.
all by all the most strangest things happen when you have 666hp.
i also included 2 pictures with the worms and i whas also wondering has something like this happened to you before (bad luck strange happenings folklore post it here)
*if you can count you can see the 4 worms*
Shimus DarkRaven
Nothing seriously odd has happened like this; although something wierd has occured to me.
One day, I was just minding my own business farming in talus chute, when lo and behold a group of avicara were fighting trolls. So I'm like, "Hmm, looks like they're at it again" ..So I sit and watch, just munching on popcorn<not really> but you get the idea.
Anyways, the Trolls <all but one left> fend off the avicara, and then when I run up to aggro the survivor, the troll actually follows me around killing avicara. So It was like I had a temporary pet. Yes, I have screenies, but no webspace at the time. So if you wanna see em' , you can email me at [email protected]
still, very wierd. I named him Bob. Bob the Troll. He did good, Ol' Bob. But bob eventually ended up dying. To quote Emilio Estevez in Young guns, "NO sleeping on job, Bob!"
--The shim
One day, I was just minding my own business farming in talus chute, when lo and behold a group of avicara were fighting trolls. So I'm like, "Hmm, looks like they're at it again" ..So I sit and watch, just munching on popcorn<not really> but you get the idea.
Anyways, the Trolls <all but one left> fend off the avicara, and then when I run up to aggro the survivor, the troll actually follows me around killing avicara. So It was like I had a temporary pet. Yes, I have screenies, but no webspace at the time. So if you wanna see em' , you can email me at [email protected]
still, very wierd. I named him Bob. Bob the Troll. He did good, Ol' Bob. But bob eventually ended up dying. To quote Emilio Estevez in Young guns, "NO sleeping on job, Bob!"
--The shim
The weirdest thing that occurred to me was ressurecting at the place i had died, then 5 seconds later, after i started running, i magically appeared at the shrine where i was supposed to be.
The undead Mesmer
another thing with the magic number 666 >.< my necromancer whas doing a funny battle in talus chute against a few avicari when they yust ignored me and yust ran away killing the azure shadows that popped up. whell i killed them and that whas it rather weird though even the avicari must know that a normal player is more evil then an azure shadow ^^
The strangest thing that ever happened to me was when I was running a 55 monk build farming the Trolls outside Droknars. I had the entire population of the cave around me pounding away to no effect. What was odd was that after a few seconds they just all stopped attacking me at the same time and walked off like it was tea time. This was months ago before the AI knew to get out of AoE, so it was all a little confusing to me.
After that I couldn't get any of them to follow me for a few steps before they lost interest and moved back to their start points. They must have had a fit of self preservation.
After that I couldn't get any of them to follow me for a few steps before they lost interest and moved back to their start points. They must have had a fit of self preservation.
LOL, reminds me of when griffons stop pursuing you just to kill a stupid salving cactus.
Damn they're annoying as hell to solo. They always go underground when at low health.
Damn they're annoying as hell to solo. They always go underground when at low health.
haha this thread is so funny lets see weird stuff... i don't think i can remember anything weird
during the betas. I was doing Riverside Province with my ranger. well. everyone in our group dies, exepct one person(used his res). so we we're just chatting. then suddnely my ranger's body moved. Then it moved once more. I press my up arrow button. and my ranger's dead body was moving around on the ground! I could vist everywhere, and not argo! but i couldnt attack either. but to the Alive person, my ranger's body was not moving at all.
The undead Mesmer
lol to the above whell something weird happened a few days ago (it whas fun hehe)
i whas doing the sanctum cay mission as my necromancer (yup the magic number 666) when at the first cinematic with khilbron one of my fiends whas still alive i thought he would die be now but he didnt instead of dieing he kept on living for the rest of the level as if khilbron transformed him into a real undead instead of a minions.
i whas doing the sanctum cay mission as my necromancer (yup the magic number 666) when at the first cinematic with khilbron one of my fiends whas still alive i thought he would die be now but he didnt instead of dieing he kept on living for the rest of the level as if khilbron transformed him into a real undead instead of a minions.
... ::Goes on necro and gets hp to 666 brb::
The weirdest thing thats happened to me? That's easy.
I logged in to play a quick CA match with my KD/AS warrior... it was the Kryta map, the one with the bridge between the two areas, the sand, the shore... the gates opened, I charged through, and... I got stuck... in mid-air. I couldn't move, I couldn't attack, I just hung there in mid-air until my team died. Everyone laughed at me, took screenshots, attacked. They couldn't do any melee damage, so their ranger and ele slaughtered me, and that was game.
I looked like I was about 3-4 feet off the ground, just hovering around torso level on everyone else. I have a screenshot somewhere but I can't be bothered to track it down, host it and post it.
I logged in to play a quick CA match with my KD/AS warrior... it was the Kryta map, the one with the bridge between the two areas, the sand, the shore... the gates opened, I charged through, and... I got stuck... in mid-air. I couldn't move, I couldn't attack, I just hung there in mid-air until my team died. Everyone laughed at me, took screenshots, attacked. They couldn't do any melee damage, so their ranger and ele slaughtered me, and that was game.
I looked like I was about 3-4 feet off the ground, just hovering around torso level on everyone else. I have a screenshot somewhere but I can't be bothered to track it down, host it and post it.
its like barrett's lucky 7 when your HP on FFVII was 777 your character went beserk. But I find the way lag is shown on guild wars odd when you think your miles away then suddenly you relise you can't attack or pick anything up - then you reappear miles behind your team.
The undead Mesmer
another thing happened in the Ring of fire whe battled a few lava spitters.
the strange thing whas they only did 1 or 2 damage to me even with using skills i didnt know what happened but i could yust errrrm tank em with my necromancer
(i whas wearing fanatics armor and yes i had 666hp hehe) but a few minutes after the incident i died for no reason xD i think that the damage has picked up with me and killed me in the sneaky way.
the strange thing whas they only did 1 or 2 damage to me even with using skills i didnt know what happened but i could yust errrrm tank em with my necromancer
The other day as I was bringing one of my characters through Diessa Lowlands, from Grenditch courthouse to the Flame Temple Corridor, as I entered the gate to the Corridor, the loading screen suddenly changed to the Courthouse and I was brought back there.
Sir Skullcrasher
Game glitch! I was in Grendich Courthouse and there was a bridge pass a group of charrs. Well, me and the henchies decided to crossed the bridge but the moment we went through it, one of the henchies pull the charrs that was under the bridge to us. Half the henchies was attacking the charrs and i get a error 7 and kicked out the game.
Other glitch, went throught bridges and doors. That about the weirdest things i seen in game.
Other glitch, went throught bridges and doors. That about the weirdest things i seen in game.