I bought a new mask (Wilderness+1 for trapping), and went to Iron mines to get it infused with a group.
We killed the Eidolin (sp?) and brought the essense back to the Seer, and me and another guy in the party were just infusing masks, and when we tryed to talk to him he acted like we had already been infused that run (says good luck and such), and the masks were not infused.
Glitch? (note that I have gotten pieces infused before..including the pumpkin crown)
Former Ruling
You need to have nothing on that was already infused when you talk to the seer. Kill the Eidilon, strip to your underwear and put on your mask. Then go talk to him. Everything should be dead between you and him so you shouldn't have to worry about being attacked while naked.
Former Ruling
You dont have to strip..Unless that was a fix in the update.
I've infused several newer peices of armor with the old infused still on some parts of my body.
Also - I tryed that :\
Tonight when I get back on I'll try some more (I wasn't able to get on yesterday).
I've infused several newer peices of armor with the old infused still on some parts of my body.
Also - I tryed that :\
Tonight when I get back on I'll try some more (I wasn't able to get on yesterday).
Just this week I've infused new gear for 2 of my characters and just swapped out the new pieces, leaving the infused ones still in place.