ive seen something wierd in my armor today.... i saw him in a "different way"
Here :
kind of Golden Ascalon Helm...
lag....i mean look at his other stuff
i stayed like that all the time .. it was no Lag... i was like this until i went out of the place
Still, wouldn't it be sweet if they implemented some of these 'glitches' in Chapter 2? I mean, same armor, headgear, weapons, etc, but with slightly different skins on them? I dunno, I like shiny things so....... ooo! Look! A dime! I gotta go!
every now and then I get this glitch. it's happened ever since the halloween theme was taken out, i think.
defrag; reboot then run guild wars again.
if you dont want to see that I guess...
soo much cooler than my black dyed asaclon armor; did you do a ALT+TAB? that will mess things up.
if you dont want to see that I guess...
soo much cooler than my black dyed asaclon armor; did you do a ALT+TAB? that will mess things up.
Mario 64 Master
Originally Posted by Priest_Ezekiel
every now and then I get this glitch. it's happened ever since the halloween theme was taken out, i think.
Way before Halloween too.
i wouldn't care. i want that helm. i love the liquid look of things when the game is lagging. never see my armor but other peoples.
get an old graphics card, don't update drivers (or update them badly) and you'll get all sorts of wierd stuff :P