2 Suggestions regarding groups


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Hello all,

after playing guild wars for some time I lost my group members several times because they were off the mini map.
I think they should be visible on the big map (m) and/or on the minimap as arrows when they are out of sight.

The second suggestion is to let a guild play together without the need to form a group so there can fight more than 4 members together and to give people a reason to enter a guild, otherwise they would be worthless in my opinion (before playing pvp)

What do you think?

Cu, Netspider

[edit]just ignore this post, I missed the "suggestions" forum because they had so much text for the description that I didn't see the relevant words...

Horogan Sivoris

Horogan Sivoris

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

UK baby

I agree on the first thing. I've got no guild experience for the second thing. And I'd like to add a third thing.

If some one in your party leaves for town mid mission, or the get disconnected for an extended period of time (for instance, this would go in accordance with the suggestion of recconecting to your party after a disconnect) then the game should insert an NPC of the same primary class as just left the party.

The amount of times person X has died in a party, person X has a paddy and leaves the group because the group didn't chase after person X whilst person X ran off in the oposite direction to fight a huge group of monsters and complained the our group "sux an were all luzers" or something... where was I?

Oh yeah, if person X quits, I would like an NPC to "step in" to stop our party being as crippled.