Anet must throw their arms up in despair while we nervously await the next unwanted update.
In my opinion, monsters drop too much gold. I speak as a farmer too!
Sometimes, i wish this game had an entirely different loot system....which could potentially solve all issues.
No bots, no inflation, no ebay...and farmers have the same chance as John Doe to get that really great loot. Time based get a top-end loot when it's your turn. Kill a million makes no difference.
In Project Entropia (unsure about other MMORPG's) a typical loot pattern went like this...
This creature didn't carry any loot.
This creature didn't carry any loot.
This creature didn't carry any loot.
Cornundos old drops 3 yellow paint.
This creature didn't carry any loot.
Cornundos mature drops 2 cornundos skin.
However, once in a while, you would get something like this....

What is my point?
Basically, the loot system in that game (and probably many more that i am unaware of) gave you enough materials and money to get by.
It was a very fine line between making a loss on a hunt and making a small profit but the game mechanics gave you enough to carry on, even if you had several runs with a loss.
The reason why you could make a loss is the cost of ammunition and the cost of repairs to weapons and armour. If you take too much damage from creatures for too long, you would have to pay for it.
Occasionally (i had ten in a month or so) you would get something reall really great, like the images i've attached.
Another point that is important....
All creatures had the same drop values.
You could kill a small creature and get some skin or you could kill the baddest of them all and get LESS or more. That's the way it was.
A high end creature gave more advanced weapons/armour "when they did drop good" but in monetary terms, a good drop could come from ANY creature.
It IS a possibility to rework the entire loot system.
Changing the creature types, skills, AI isn't getting us anywhere. The monsters drop too much gold, it's a fact...face it.
In my opinion, Anet needs a drastic overhaul of the drops because just making 1/4 of the griffons drop nothing isn't good enough....when the other 3/4 could drop hundreds of gold.
ArenaNet also needs a major mandatory gold sink. Armour and weapon deterioration when used.
Take damage from a creature and it will need repairing. Use your bow...that will need a repair after a few hours of use (Account minus bow value in gold).
Too much gold....kill the source, not the people who pick it up. Just add occasional super loots to keep the excitement...but make it so farmers have no better chance compared to any casual player.
I wouldn't mind killing stuff and just picking up the occasional scrap...i'd be waiting for that big drop...knowing that it soon would be MY turn.
In a system where monsters hardly drop anything...that piece of tanned hide is worth bartering for!! Everything has value.
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Praise? [gasp] Constructive criticism?