What was that new hammer ?
Wrath of m0o
That i saw drop in HOH. It was gold max dam 19-35 but i forgot the name. We lost so i didnt get a good look at it, but it was a new hammer.
Maybe it was just an uncommon hammer you've never heard of, such as the Swamp Club or something?
Wrath of m0o
Yes, thats it. You mean a swamp club isnt new ? OMG over 2,000 hours played and ive never seen a swamp club ? Can anyone post a pic of one? Sorry i thought this was some new HOH only drop like the crystaline sword.
crystalline swords aren't HoH-only drops, and neither are swamp clubs, actually, i don't think there are weapons that are HoH-only drops, sadly enough, apart from the name, a swamp club looks exactly like a ram's hammer, and therefor, buttugly
had one once, just looked like a rams head one