Mesmer armor mixed-dyed
First of all, sorry if this has been asked before and yes, I did use the search button ^_^
I bought the 15K female enchanters armor. Default green:
Wanted to dye it pink, so I mixed blue+purple+yellow dye=pink. I put it on my undyed armor and I got this grosse yellowish color:
What did I do wrong? Does the default green count as a dye? If so, how do I ever get the nice pink color, as shown for example here (so it IS possible):
But, when I put an unmixed dye on it, purple, it came out perfectly normal (so not purple+green or something):
Please help me out, I want to learn how to bypass the standard of green dye.
I bought the 15K female enchanters armor. Default green:
Wanted to dye it pink, so I mixed blue+purple+yellow dye=pink. I put it on my undyed armor and I got this grosse yellowish color:
What did I do wrong? Does the default green count as a dye? If so, how do I ever get the nice pink color, as shown for example here (so it IS possible):
But, when I put an unmixed dye on it, purple, it came out perfectly normal (so not purple+green or something):
Please help me out, I want to learn how to bypass the standard of green dye.
have you tried to put a dye remover before putting the pink one on ?
ps : i really like that gross yellow. that with a black mask would look awesome.
ps : i really like that gross yellow. that with a black mask would look awesome.
mabye red, purple, silver
I found that red+red+purple makes a fushia on mesmers
red+silver (and red+silver+silver) makes a lighter pink
red+silver (and red+silver+silver) makes a lighter pink
I've noticed that mixed dye colors are not consistent cross-classes, and at times, even between armor of different sets for the same class ... which gets really annoying!
My mesmer's armor is the exact shade of pink in your example.
The mixture I used is red and purple.
The mixture I used is red and purple.
Thanks all, been really helpful. I'll try and experiment a bit with the different mixtures here to see what I get.
The mesmer with the "gross" yellow armor looks exactly like my female mesmer. The hair is slightly different, but everything else is the same.
I like to think of the "gross" yellow as a gold...
I like to think of the "gross" yellow as a gold...
Chloe Illyria
try orange + blue, I got a hot pink on my warrior - not sure if it'll turn out the same, but its worth a shot.
Holy thread necro batman! Most of this thread is moot now. Dye preview is your friend, and even if you get pink on your warrior, it won't be the same on a mesmer because the material for warrior armors is different than mesmers.
Stank Tank
I tried to dye my 15k enchanters hot pink a few weeks ago-it's not possible. You can get a sorta dark pink but I tried every combo possible I think. I finally just made her all white and she looks pretty cool.
Originally Posted by Cherno
Most of this thread is moot now. Dye preview is your friend
the original post was in 2005 ffs
Threadomancy. Closed.