Are Tribal Axes rare?
I recently found a Tribal Axe and was wondering if they're more rare than any other axes.
They are the 2nd rarest axe in the game, unfortunalty low dmg tribal axes are worthless, the only ones would be worth selling are 20dmg+
I'll tell the stats then and would like it if someone would PC it for me.
Earth Dmg: 6-18 req 8-- Axe mastery +1 11% chance while using skills.
Earth Dmg: 6-18 req 8-- Axe mastery +1 11% chance while using skills.
there rarest axe type in the game
sicke and tribal are same rarity, only place they drop is in hoh chest
sicke and tribal are same rarity, only place they drop is in hoh chest
Originally Posted by Hannibel
there rarest axe type in the game
sicke and tribal are same rarity, only place they drop is in hoh chest |
Dwarven axe and Serpent axe are the most rare axes in the game btw, neither Sickle or Tribal is as rare (very common in fact, in certain places of the game). But I think Dwarven takes the cake for rarity.
you can get a lot tribals and sickles in kryta...i sell them 500g each
Originally Posted by id0l
Lol, couldn't be more wrong.
Dwarven axe and Serpent axe are the most rare axes in the game btw, neither Sickle or Tribal is as rare (very common in fact, in certain places of the game). But I think Dwarven takes the cake for rarity. |
actually dwarvens are the rarest i have seen 2-3 gold serpents per gold dwarven and sephi's woudl be in 3rd but it seems people have found a place ot farm them so they are upcoming in amounts and declining in value cuz of razer stone
Originally Posted by Shattered_Glass
actually dwarvens are the rarest
i dont consider non max dmg rare, but if it was max dmg ..sickle the rarest hands down. i seen few 15>50 drwaven seprent before but never even seen a max rare sickle, not even a rare one.
A 15>50? I know there is a 14>50 dwarven that exists but i thought that was teh best in the Over 50% health category so far for dwarvens.
listen your all kinda right and kinda wrong
sickles are rarest in higher dmg because only a few if any have ever been found max. triblas are a close 2nd because they are hard to find in max dmg
I dont think I have ever seen a gold sickle or tribal either
now dwarven axes are rarer than sickles but are normally higher dmg when droped same with serpants
over all a max dmg clean sickle would bring way more! than a max clean dwarven with same req
thats the way I see it and I have had alot of rare axes
sickles are rarest in higher dmg because only a few if any have ever been found max. triblas are a close 2nd because they are hard to find in max dmg
I dont think I have ever seen a gold sickle or tribal either
now dwarven axes are rarer than sickles but are normally higher dmg when droped same with serpants
over all a max dmg clean sickle would bring way more! than a max clean dwarven with same req
thats the way I see it and I have had alot of rare axes
Originally Posted by Hannibel
there rarest axe type in the game
sicke and tribal are same rarity, only place they drop is in hoh chest |
I've never seen a max tribal.
I think the easiest way to judge how rare something is, is by seeing how many people are selling in the sell forum.
on that note anyone want to buy a clean 6-27 dwarven with 12 req lol
honestly I see dwarven axes in-game more than sickles or tribals
honestly I see dwarven axes in-game more than sickles or tribals
Originally Posted by BeatWolf
You only say this because you have a half decent dwarven axe and get hard over it.. so your going to say it's the rarest axe arn't you.
lol... ok...
but its true, tribal axes drop a lot in the shiver peaks, they just arent max, and sickles drop like crazy in kryta and ascalon. good luck getting a dwarven axe to drop
serpents are as rare but they still arent easy to get...even tho i got like 10 lol
but ya id definatly say dwarven is rarest then serpent
This is just my experience. I found 2 sickles and 3 tribals while farming Nolani Academy for ONE DAY. I have farmed SF at least 130 times so far, and I have never seen a dwarven axe drop for anyone.
Originally Posted by BeatWolf
You only say this because you have a half decent dwarven axe and get hard over it.. so your going to say it's the rarest axe arn't you.
Seriously, I'd say it if I didn't even have one. They are the crystalline of the axes. Most rare (about same with serpent) of the known max damage axes. Period. I would say Tribal is most rare but I have yet to ever see one in max damage form.