The quest for pink aeromancers
I want to get a nice vivid pink for my aeromancers armour, i tried, red+purple+silver and red+blue+purple (as discussed in another thread) and get the same result with both, it comes out a bright purple, any ideas how to get a good pink.
What its like at the moment.
What its like at the moment.
Storm Crow
try red+silver, and if it's not as bright as you wanted, add another
Originally Posted by Lykan
Thats MY pose >,> Grr...stealer
that color is so beautiful.
Hooray Nuke
i think black is the sexiest
Now that is sexy.
personally....I prefer my geo :3
but for the heck of it my blood red aero
but for the heck of it my blood red aero
hell yea, i love your geo flow :3
Hmm maybe red with lots of silvers then, it worth a go.
(yeah Lozza i admit it, I saw your thread and stole your pose )
(yeah Lozza i admit it, I saw your thread and stole your pose )
Um...if any males around...and I know I just posted this....
Hit me with a squash for posting it...
Hit me with a squash for posting it...
Blue + yellow, then add purple, might work
Originally Posted by Virgo
Um...if any males around...and I know I just posted this....
Hit me with a squash for posting it... Nice, whats the combination for that?
Hit me with a squash for posting it... Nice, whats the combination for that?
Just your regular ol' red+purple
I have my secret pink dye on all my 15k armors (male glad, male plate, male tormentor (:'(), male bonelace, female aero), and my aero looks more pink than yours I can tell:P
Well I might as well jump on the /taunt bandwagon. :P
i heard this from a female ele in ascalon (which i haven't visited for a month or two) and she/he :S told me about a pink mix made by; Purple, Red and Silver..
Does it matter which way you mix em?
If you add Red to Purple will it differ from adding Purple to Red?
If you add Red to Purple will it differ from adding Purple to Red?
Originally Posted by Lykan
Does it matter which way you mix em?
If you add Red to Purple will it differ from adding Purple to Red? I think so, did you try the blue+yellow+purple mix?
If you add Red to Purple will it differ from adding Purple to Red? I think so, did you try the blue+yellow+purple mix?
try Yellow + 3 dye removers....
Originally Posted by Svinat
I think so, did you try the blue+yellow+purple mix?
Not yet, can't try it till i get home in a couple of hours.
I'll try the yellow + 3 dye removers too.
I'll try the yellow + 3 dye removers too.
Might I suggest that you check this dye chart. Not made by me, but can't remember creator (so sorry to the creator). I have used this chart flawlessly on all my characters and armors come out almost exactly like the chart.
I think that you are indeed looking fo the blue+yellow+purple mix.
I think that you are indeed looking fo the blue+yellow+purple mix.
Red + Purple + Silver - Light Pink - Has to be in that order
Red + Purple - Can net you a neon pinkish color...which I've seen on FoW ele armor...and it's Neon, and there's no real differenece which way you mix em
Red + Purple - Can net you a neon pinkish color...which I've seen on FoW ele armor...and it's Neon, and there's no real differenece which way you mix em
Blue + Yellow + Purple
Kinda Salmony
Kinda Salmony
Another pink combo
*edit*changed the picture to a better one
*edit*changed the picture to a better one
thats yellow + 3 removers, tried that too.
Neither have the vividness I want though, and i'm having trouble understanding that chart.
Neither have the vividness I want though, and i'm having trouble understanding that chart.
Try this, I used it for my warriors 15k glads, turned out to be a really hot pink.
In this order: Red + Purple + Dye Remover
Edit - added pic
In this order: Red + Purple + Dye Remover
Edit - added pic
Originally Posted by Lykan
thats yellow + 3 removers, tried that too.
Neither have the vividness I want though, and i'm having trouble understanding that chart. Yeah the chart can be hard to get at first, but after some cheap testing you will get the hang of it.
Neither have the vividness I want though, and i'm having trouble understanding that chart. Yeah the chart can be hard to get at first, but after some cheap testing you will get the hang of it.
Storm Crow
whell, from what I can get off the chart Pharoke posted, purple+yellow+red (IN THAT ORDER) might give you what you're looking for
Originally Posted by SammyW
Try this, I used it for my warriors 15k glads, turned out to be a really hot pink.
In this order: Red + Purple + Dye Remover
Edit - added pic Im starting to think its impossible to get the pink I want, perhaps its the texture of the armour, but R + P + DR, give the same purple shade I started with and P + Y + R gives the salmon with a weird orange tint to it.
In this order: Red + Purple + Dye Remover
Edit - added pic Im starting to think its impossible to get the pink I want, perhaps its the texture of the armour, but R + P + DR, give the same purple shade I started with and P + Y + R gives the salmon with a weird orange tint to it.
Storm Crow
then maybe try adding another purple or red? just to darken it up a bit...
This is probably costing you a fotune, but what about purple + dye remover + dye remover=? So is this the 15k fissure armor or just standard 15k armor or what?
I have to confess that I'm confused about the specific order when mixing. When you say Red + Purple + Dye Remover in that order, do you mean add the Purple to the Red, then add the Dye Remover to the Red/Purple mix?
I'm such a dodo head - or is that doodoo head?
I'm such a dodo head - or is that doodoo head?
Originally Posted by burai
I have to confess that I'm confused about the specific order when mixing. When you say Red + Purple + Dye Remover in that order, do you mean add the Purple to the Red, then add the Dye Remover to the Red/Purple mix?
I'm such a dodo head - or is that doodoo head? Most people type it just as they mean it. add red to purple, then add dye remover to the red/purple mixture.
I'm such a dodo head - or is that doodoo head? Most people type it just as they mean it. add red to purple, then add dye remover to the red/purple mixture.
Originally Posted by Pharoke
This is probably costing you a fotune, but what about purple + dye remover + dye remover=? So is this the 15k fissure armor or just standard 15k armor or what?
i'm not going to say how much it has cost me so far
and its the 15k from marhans
and its the 15k from marhans
Don't the 15K armors have some weird dye properties, or is that just the Fissure armor?
Storm Crow
some of the 15k's do, but it's mostly the Fissures that do...
Originally Posted by Storm Crow
some of the 15k's do, but it's mostly the Fissures that do...
I thought it was just the Fissure's too. I am going to have to get my elemental up to Marhans and Granite just to see if I can get the color the OP was looking for. Oh well, haven't play that char in a long time.
that would be great if someone else could experiment as well, much obliged
The closest to pink I have found that I like on female Aero is Red + Silver + Silver.
It is also important to reiterate that the order you mix dye or dye remover in has absolutely no effect on the final product. It may look different in your inventory screen, but it will be exactly the same whether you mix red into silver into silver, or silver into red into silver etc.
This has been tested and proven dozens of times, the main dye combo thread I can see is:
It is also important to reiterate that the order you mix dye or dye remover in has absolutely no effect on the final product. It may look different in your inventory screen, but it will be exactly the same whether you mix red into silver into silver, or silver into red into silver etc.
This has been tested and proven dozens of times, the main dye combo thread I can see is:
IMO as far as female aeromancer goes i like blue and black(not together)