There is a lot that can be said about MoK, and since this is a slow form of communication, I'll try to be as detailed as possible for you. Also, I broke it up into sections so you can find the info that you are looking for.
MoK History
MoK is a guild older than 7 years originally formed for SFC. I didn't join till about 5 years ago for SFCII. Since then, MoK has earned a name of respect and honor in many games (Diablo 2, AO, DaoC, CS, SWG, Lineage II, WoW, and many more).
MoK Today
MoK is currently active in WoW and Lineage II. We are now planning to expand to GW. Also, we are planning to have an MoK in BF2. To benefit our members, we have a website with forums (95% of the activity on the forums are in private sections) and our own private, top of the line TeamSpeak server. The president of MoK has spent a significant amount of money to provide these benefits on a stable, always reliable server.
MoK in Guild Wars
Since we are just now planning to expand, our member count is currently low. However, the members we do have, have been around a long time and won't give up until we grow large and successful. We plan to grow a fun community, where members actually help eachother (I know, its a crazy concept). But also, we do want become a known name in PvP. After all, thats what the whole game was designed for.
Please feel free to contact me in game or by e-mail
in game: Solim Maleko
e-mail: [email protected]
Guild: Ministry of Knights