Should i use superior swordmanship?
rugal nuker
ok,now...why i see many ppl buy minor swordmanship....y only a few of them bought major or superior? but alot of ppl using axe buying superior axe rune...but not sword? is it that when u use sword,the health is very important to you?
In PvE, when tanking, you need as much HP as you can get, so people tend to get minors over superiors. In PvP, warriors are generally all-out offensive so the +2 weapon attribute is worth the loss of health. Otherwise, I don't know why people would take Superior Axe but not Superior Swordsmanship.
Pevil Lihatuh
Guess people use Axes more than Swords... *shrugs* depends on your build I guess. I took a sup Marksmanship for my ranger, even though I use wilderness survival more. I did this so I could meet my req 12 marks for my bow without wasting the attrib points that I wanted in WS instead.
I use major runes on my warrior in PVE. She still does good dmg at 15 axe mastery and they were 1/4 of the price of a superior. If im running anyone, ill switch whatever piece of armor has the major or sup on it and run a minor for the health
Shimus DarkRaven
Sup AXE rune, FTW.
But yeah, I'd use Sup runes in PVE, becuase I still have a major/sup vigor to cancel effects ontop of my +30hp axe grip, so I'm not worried. Same goes for sword, if you can afford it and can cover up with make-up HP <Like upgrades> I'm all for it, if not, go for all minors so you don't take a HP hit, like was mentioned, warriors REALLY need HP <UW, with Droks, -160 melee still a hit on aatxes> so you do the math and figure out which you'd be stickin with.
--The shim
But yeah, I'd use Sup runes in PVE, becuase I still have a major/sup vigor to cancel effects ontop of my +30hp axe grip, so I'm not worried. Same goes for sword, if you can afford it and can cover up with make-up HP <Like upgrades> I'm all for it, if not, go for all minors so you don't take a HP hit, like was mentioned, warriors REALLY need HP <UW, with Droks, -160 melee still a hit on aatxes> so you do the math and figure out which you'd be stickin with.
--The shim
Yukito Kunisaki
sup any weapon rune is easily cancelled by a sup vigor and +hp fortitude haft...
So I run with 16 axe on both pvp and pve no problem with 510 hp
*canthan targe adds 30hp too *
So I run with 16 axe on both pvp and pve no problem with 510 hp
*canthan targe adds 30hp too *
I roll with 2 superiors actualy. Strength and Axe. I don't use any +hp mods. This is for pvp and pve. PvP a warrior is never attacked and PvE i use stances.