A Merchant Guild?
Tsunami Rain
So as I lay in bed thinking of how to become "uber leet" I thought of a crazy idea. I figured peope have tried this already but hey, I haven't seen anyone do it so...Im asking for your help. I want to set up a merchant guild. I figure that with so many people standing around in Lions Arch, Ascalon City, etc. There should be a more organized area to trade in (with a lot less spamming). If I'm correct in my thinking, the guest function in the guild screen allows guests into your guild hall (i think?). If i were to set up a guild hall and have my merchant guild members sell items (runes, weapons, dyes, etc.) to guests would anyone be interested? (well of course there would be a small fee to access the guild hall) If anyone sees this concept as "interesting" I'll try and refine my idea. comments and ideas are welcomed and appreciated as always
Its a great idea, but you would need to have a massive amount of people in the guild for it to actually work, and it'd be hard to have enough officers to be able to invite everyone to be a guest.
This is an interesting idea. Please keep this thread focused on suggestions/comments rather than recruiting - otherwise I'll have to remove it like any other recruiting post.
The Son Of Morgoth
hmmm pretty good idea.. but you would have to find players that are experienced and not in guilds which is rare....
i think it should be along these lines......u can get a lot of people in ur guild and turn them all into officers...then you could have a littler forum that people could ask to join ur guidl as a guest in and u could recruit em then u can get a big guild hall like warrior hall and make it like a market square
i think it should be along these lines......u can get a lot of people in ur guild and turn them all into officers...then you could have a littler forum that people could ask to join ur guidl as a guest in and u could recruit em then u can get a big guild hall like warrior hall and make it like a market square
I don't know of the actual guild(s), but I have heard there are some other there who are grouped together specifically for making money, and becoming rich. Not surprising, but good luck to you joining/setting up one.
Z Man Boog
Originally Posted by Alone)
I don't know of the actual guild(s), but I have heard there are some other there who are grouped together specifically for making money, and becoming rich.
its not that we are together to make ourselves rich, its more like we all work off of our own independent funds and help eachother out when help is needed.
almost all(as far as i know) are respectiable traders and i think every1 has a guru account. so it works well for us.
but i think your idea is hella awsome. before i joined HOz i've always wanted to be in a "trader guild".
HOz has been the closest i've come to that, and i have no intention of leaving it, but if you do get a "merchant/trader guild up and going ill probably be looking for a guest invite alot..
ever think about having a membership fee instead of pay for each time.
gl with this and i hope it works out.
Chev of Hardass
The guild chat could be very usefull if you see someone looking for a highpriced item and suspect that someone has it to sell.
It is certainly a good idea, but will it work out in the long run? Without too many people knowing of it, it would be great, but when a certain amount of people know about it, won't it too turn into a Lions Arch. There would be no way to control people's spamming etc. Maybe you could have like 25-50 people in at once, and a website with a sign up form, so at 4:45, I need to invite _____ as a guest, or something like that, to keep it organized. Sounds like a great idea, but it will be difficult to make it organized and keep it organized.
I am thinking that maybe the guild should specialize in setting up deals between other traders mostly. So people who have high ticket items or bulk items could either join or guest in order to get fair deals done quickly.
Tsunami Rain
#4 Yeah the hard part would be finding experienced players (enough experienced players) that can go online at given times.
#8 That's a great idea about setting up a list thx.
After reading all of your thoughts; thanks btw I feel that maybe I should setup my forum/site so people can sign up to enter my guild hall. I was thinking about this during the day and I came up with another idea. What if I were to setup a Guild Wars auction? How does that sound? I'm not sure how good that might work.
Speaking of which...maybe someday we should have an item auction for guru :P
#8 That's a great idea about setting up a list thx.
After reading all of your thoughts; thanks btw I feel that maybe I should setup my forum/site so people can sign up to enter my guild hall. I was thinking about this during the day and I came up with another idea. What if I were to setup a Guild Wars auction? How does that sound? I'm not sure how good that might work.
Speaking of which...maybe someday we should have an item auction for guru :P
It would really only work if you start out selling only extremely rare items. That way your reputation grows and more and more people want to get into your guild hall to see good items. If you sell semi-common items people won't be interested.
Also, you should sell them at a lower price. As a whole, your guild will make a ton of money, and interest more people to do business with you.
Ex. You have 10 uber leet wow amazing godly wtf swords. Three people will consider buying them for 100k; six would consider buying for 80k; twenty would consider buying for 60k; and hundreds would buy for 50k. If you maintain lower prices you can get lots of revenue for your guild... and stop inflation too!
The key is how you advertise the guild. If you sell for less, people are going to want to shop around (or go there for specific things). Then all you need to do is have an officer in each main city in district 1 at a certain place that will become regular.
Enough of me telling you how I think it should be done. Good idea in principle.
Also, you should sell them at a lower price. As a whole, your guild will make a ton of money, and interest more people to do business with you.
Ex. You have 10 uber leet wow amazing godly wtf swords. Three people will consider buying them for 100k; six would consider buying for 80k; twenty would consider buying for 60k; and hundreds would buy for 50k. If you maintain lower prices you can get lots of revenue for your guild... and stop inflation too!
The key is how you advertise the guild. If you sell for less, people are going to want to shop around (or go there for specific things). Then all you need to do is have an officer in each main city in district 1 at a certain place that will become regular.
Enough of me telling you how I think it should be done. Good idea in principle.
Interesting Idea,
What if Anet added a Merchant Hall feature. A town specifically designed for trading. There would be Storage but no Merchants at all that way it wouldn't atract attention because of the city only merchants. It wouls also be in a secluded location as not to attract foot traffic from travelers. And maybe there would be a level req. to keep out less experienced players.
Z Man Boog
Originally Posted by Ristaron
It would really only work if you start out selling only extremely rare items. That way your reputation grows and more and more people want to get into your guild hall to see good items. If you sell semi-common items people won't be interested.
Also, you should sell them at a lower price. As a whole, your guild will make a ton of money, and interest more people to do business with you. Ex. You have 10 uber leet wow amazing godly wtf swords. Three people will consider buying them for 100k; six would consider buying for 80k; twenty would consider buying for 60k; and hundreds would buy for 50k. If you maintain lower prices you can get lots of revenue for your guild... and stop inflation too! The key is how you advertise the guild. If you sell for less, people are going to want to shop around (or go there for specific things). Then all you need to do is have an officer in each main city in district 1 at a certain place that will become regular. Enough of me telling you how I think it should be done. Good idea in principle. |
every1 in the guild gets a cut even if they dont contribute anything.
and it would attract more attention to sell rarer items for cheap than others...
but lets say the guild would charge 5k enterance fee as a guest, and selling
one of these for example.
to sell it 100k or so cheaper (talking about the 15^50) would mean you would have to get 20 guest just to break even, and even more to make profit.
i think this could work out and it could be a hella awsome thing if and when it does happen, but things just need to be thought through carefully..
just my input
Meh, all the best stuff gets sold on ebay anyway.
Great idea, but would be a pain without a huge guild, plus keep in mind each time someone wants to view they'd have to be invited as a guest in.
Tsunami Rain
Well i took into consideration all of your thoughts and i think i have come up with a pretty good idea of what my guild should focus on. starting now. (more info on my merchant guild idea on my profiles website) Feel free to post your thoughts and ideas on my forums or here =)