How about a ready button for team members? Rather than asking everyone if they are ready, juast wait until everyone has pressed their ready button...
Just an idea
Ready Button for teams
Not a bad idea...
however, there is NO need to post the same thing three times. please delete your own othere 2 posts please.
Savio: As if anyone ever does it on purpose. Duplicates deleted.
however, there is NO need to post the same thing three times. please delete your own othere 2 posts please.
Savio: As if anyone ever does it on purpose. Duplicates deleted.
This would be a handy addition to the party window, but I think their should be a setting for both "ready" and "not ready." One could put a green check by your name in the party window, the other red X, or something like that, to give the leader a visual indicator for who's ready and who's not. Most of the time's when a party I'm in leaves before someone is ready, it's because the leader either missed the "not ready" message in the chat box or the person went AFK for a minute and wasn't able to answer that he/she wasn't ready. And in the absence of someone actually saying "not ready," it seems to generally be assumed that they are ready.
Awesome Idea!!! I like it! That sure would help getting a team together.
Good idea, kind of like that ready thing thats implemented in some CS scrimmage-only servers.