Why do ranger needs speed arrows?
rugal nuker
I just don know why,is arrow moving fast improtant? In the end,it still hits the target,so whats the differents?For interuption? interuption is only improtant in Pvp..so why some pve rangers also equiqe read the wind? sry..im a noob.. can any rangers tell me why?
Yukito Kunisaki
it's easy to dodge arrows at range oddly enough, so by doubling their speed, dodging them is harder. It's satisfying for me to dodge an enemy's Crippling Shot or Pin down when they try to hit me at full range...
rugal nuker
so....this arrow speed thing is only for pvp huh?
Sometimes you don't have enough points to spec into Wilderness Survival or you want your arrows to do Physical damage (like if you are using curses), plus you can use a flatbow without that godawful arc (which you'll still miss with even in PvE).
I'd beg to differ with that.
interuption is only improtant in Pvp |
Interruption is valuable in all aspects of the game. Newer mobs like to res their fallen buddies, interrupting that action is a very valuable thing to do.
Another reason that people like to use skills like QS, Savage Shot, RTW or Favorable Winds is because they might be using a Ranger Spike build. Having your arrows move fast makes for less time for your target to be healed.
Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
I'd beg to differ with that.
Former Ruling
It isn't really for "speed" as much as Arc.
See, alittle unlisted effect of speeding up an arrows flight time is lowering its arc - thus making it more accurate and making it hit faster.
Mostly just people using Flatbows use Read the Wind because Flatbows have terrible flight arc.
See, alittle unlisted effect of speeding up an arrows flight time is lowering its arc - thus making it more accurate and making it hit faster.
Mostly just people using Flatbows use Read the Wind because Flatbows have terrible flight arc.
Thunk about it this way, say you have a bow that shoots arrows one every second for 5 seconds and it inflicts a damage of 10 each time.Thats 50 damage right there in 5 secs. ok what if you fire arrows twice as fast ,so if you shoot 10 in 5 secs for 10 dmage , Thats double the damage!!!
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by jonnybegood
Thunk about it this way, say you have a bow that shoots arrows one every second for 5 seconds and it inflicts a damage of 10 each time.Thats 50 damage right there in 5 secs. ok what if you fire arrows twice as fast ,so if you shoot 10 in 5 secs for 10 dmage , Thats double the damage!!!
It makes the arrow move twice as fast. I know its worded misleading like.
Which is barely noticable. (half of like .5 seconds). Its mostly for arc.
Originally Posted by rugal nuker
For interuption? interuption is only improtant in Pvp..
I generally go out with just distracting shot and savage shot, that is, only two interrupters at a time, although lately I have been using concussion shot more and more.
What really irks me is going out with a team of high level rangers in one of the high level missions and discovering that none of the rangers have equipped any interrupting skills. Like, the Abbaddons Mouth mission, where interrupting is just about essential for those boss pairs you meet. I failed this mission one time in a group (I was playing air elementalist) because none of the rangers or mesmers in the group had any interrupters equipped.
yeah interuption is very very important in pve man. Try go out with an interupt build and just interupt the monk boss and watch how fast the group will go down. Specialy if they have two monks healing eachother.
Pevil Lihatuh
or even just to stop those danm annoying giant herders doing their stupid giant stomp. there is NOTHING more satisfying than interupting that
Originally Posted by Pevil Lihatuh
or even just to stop those danm annoying giant herders doing their stupid giant stomp. there is NOTHING more satisfying than interupting that
It helps interrupting skills greatly, less flight time.
Maika Boila Radovu
Whats nice about ranger interupts too is they interupt skills whereas most Mesmer interupts focus on spells.
Shmash Witdaclub
less arrow travel - less arc - not as easy to dodge
arrow travels farther - more arc - much easier to for target to move and dodge.
faster arrows and faster refire rates = faster damage per second.
with faster bows (either faster refire rate or faster travel time) you give up distance - therefore making it easier with less distance for them pesky womo's to try and kill you.
pick the right bow and skills depending on what you want to do
arrow travels farther - more arc - much easier to for target to move and dodge.
faster arrows and faster refire rates = faster damage per second.
with faster bows (either faster refire rate or faster travel time) you give up distance - therefore making it easier with less distance for them pesky womo's to try and kill you.
pick the right bow and skills depending on what you want to do
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by jesh
omg u nub dun u kno all u need is 2w/mo 2 mo/w 2 e/mo? interupts r 4 stpid mzmers n sh!t lik dat
/sarcasm |
Tears in my eyes, thanks for the laughs.
But seriously, who DOESN'T like arrows that fly at the speed of light! couple a spirit+kindle <prep>+poison arrow<Elite> for fast flying "splash" poison damage.
It works nicely ^_^
--The Shim
Holy Arch
if a monster can kill you in 10 seconds and it takes you 15 seconds to kill him, wouldnt you want to double your arrow speed so you come out victorious?
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Holy Arch
if a monster can kill you in 10 seconds and it takes you 15 seconds to kill him, wouldnt you want to double your arrow speed so you come out victorious?
--The Shim