This is a semi rant about overpoweredness..... Ever kill off both enemy heroes with 2 minutes left in the game and still managed to not cap it......
Given the current ungodly power of a well coordinated ranger spike (don't care to nerf this takes true skill to play) but the problem is.... a good ranger team wrecks hall.
Advantages - Spirits for one, they control the battlefield... They need to kill stuff they drop Pred and FW and Winnowing. They really need to kill they drop EoE, they don't wanna kill anything they drop fertile and symbiosis.
interupts.... this is the part that needs nerfed. Give the hero mantra of resolve... the fact that he can be interupted by any of 4 interupt rangers skills with quick recharges on all of 5 interupt rangers makes it nearly impossible to cap.
Ok so now you say, so kill the rangers. Killing a ranger spike team in under 2 minutes isn't exactly easy no matter how you look at it. Kill a few, they rez at 2 minutes and you go to cap and wow look at that, five rangers all firing off one of their one to three interupts.
I do believe in knockdown for the interupt, knockdown is a lot harder to maintain, mostly take either really long to charge or an exhaustion spell.
Simple solution to make these things happen, make the hero a W/Me and give him Mantra of Resolve
Give the Hero Mantra!!!
I tend to agree.. The last few times I've been in the hall, we have lost because of someone interrupting the hell out of our hero while he's capping.. I'm not sure if giving him mantra would be the best choice though, maybe decrease the casting time for claim resource with like 50-60%? That would still make him interruptable, but he should be able to cap it in the end..