Hey everyone I'm selling a max gold sundering storm bow of defense. Here is what it would look like.
Sundering Storm Bow Of Defense
15-28 (req. 8 marksmanship)
Armor Penetration 10/9
Armor +5
Make your offers guys, and if you REALLY want it add me on friends and message me one day with your offer. But post your offers on here aswell. I will take ecto as a payment aswell. Thanks guys.
WTS Max Gold Sundering Storm Bow Of Defense.
l Selling God l
l Selling God l
My screen name is I Heretic I.....the capital i's just look like lines... so its I Heretic I.
Pevil Lihatuh
shouldn't this be in the trade section...
Rabid Weasel
<cough> stick to the trade channel <cough>
Jezz, it's almost like people in game spamming WTS in the normal chat instead of trade chat!
Jezz, it's almost like people in game spamming WTS in the normal chat instead of trade chat!
Shimus DarkRaven
Call in the Mods, thisa' needin' soma' movement..into Ventari's Sell =)
--The Shim
--The Shim