Imagine this update!
Added new dyes into the loot table including white, varnish and metallic overcoat. Dyes can now also be used to create simple patterns on armour, such as stripes and spots from a drop down menu.
Added a rare chance that monsters will drop identification and salvage kits.
Decreased the chance of a poor weapon dropping and increased the chance of an animal part dropping. Uncommon and rare drop rates remain the same.
You should now see less non-stackable "junk" while out exploring.
Added a small chance that crafting materials will drop from all monsters to offset the reduction in common weapon drops/salvageable materials.
Added the ability to craft mud bricks at certain crafters. This will now enable you to craft clay bricks too.
Merchants now buy weapons from players at price + 10%. This is for the benefit of those who dislike the current system and is intended as a stop-gap until a better player-to-player trade system is created.
Increased all monsters AL by 10 to increase overall game difficulty and longevity.
Increased all monsters HP's by 50 for under level 10 and 100 for over level 10 to increase overall game difficulty and longevity.
Added storm kilns around the griffons in Prophets path to prevent the majority of copycat and skill-less "farmers".
Added graphics for bowstrings so that bows now appear to have a string.
Added a toggleable quiver of arrows onto ranger characters. These quivers cannot be shown while your cape is viewing.
Added a toggleable scabbard onto warrior characters. Your sword will appear to rest in the scabbard when in towns and outposts if you have one equipped.
Increased the monster levels to a minimum of 20 in all areas for players who are ascended and have completed the final mission in the ring of fire island chain.
This change will not take effect if a member of your party does not fit the criteria.
Added several new items into the drop tables, such as charr jaws, bottles of animal specific blood/slime/sweat, monster clothing, teeth, and various ornamental/comedy items which can be equipped.
Added the ability to add a subname to customised weapons.
Added the ability to take more than one henchmen type in your party. For example, you can choose to take just healer henchmen if you so wish.
Players now receive a minimum of 20 XP points for killing a monster. This should increase the number of players willing to help lower level characters and will be of great benefit to the whole community.
Added a priest of Glint in Ember light camp.
This priest allows you to replay any of the quests in Guild Wars. All quests available in Guild Wars are then listed in your quest log.
To make a quest available for play, just check the box that corresponds to the quest.
Longevity of the game is greatly improved by this feature.
Added several small new quests throughout Tyria.
Added a charity box in Ascalon city. Funds raised by this box will eventually pay for the reconstruction of Ascalon city, The great Northen Wall and the replantation of trees and shrubs throughout most of the Ascalonian areas.
Total cost of reconstruction is expected to cost 50 billion gold pieces.
Donors who contribute more than 1 million gold pieces (gold or item value) will have their name immortalised with a golden plaque upon the wall.
Added an ingame message/mail system. Leaving a message for another player who is currently offline requires 1 parchment, 1 feather and 1 vial of ink.
Added new graphics for 15k tormentors set. Please leave cookies and milk in the tin by the door, kthxbye.