W/N Farming
works on griffs, trolls, and lvl 20 forest minotaurs
at this point i am getting owned
but victory is mine
at this point i am getting owned
but victory is mine
You should make images even smaller. Maybe then we will be able to figure out what the hell is going on there.
Originally Posted by wolver1ne
You should make images even smaller. Maybe then we will be able to figure out what the hell is going on there.
You, sir, are not very welcoming.
But you're right, hehe. To the OP: the images would come out better if you used a better host, like Imageshack. Photobucket scales things down to save space.
But you're right, hehe. To the OP: the images would come out better if you used a better host, like Imageshack. Photobucket scales things down to save space.
its sad you almost died against lvl 10 minotaurs
Brother Mhenlo
ya the level 10 minotuars arent impressing but the victory is mine ss was cool, what are those skills besides that, itd be fun to try. does this work post nerf
do you get anything good from such low level monsters??
and why not use spitefull spirte, mark of pain on them than just tank and use life siphon for HP regain, would seem alot easier and you wouldn't get owned by lvl 10.... :O
and why not use spitefull spirte, mark of pain on them than just tank and use life siphon for HP regain, would seem alot easier and you wouldn't get owned by lvl 10.... :O
Originally Posted by Brother Mhenlo
ya the level 10 minotuars arent impressing but the victory is mine ss was cool, what are those skills besides that, itd be fun to try. does this work post nerf
It does work post nerf but I changed my build for griffons as I am now an ascended level20. My build is can be the exact same as that up there(with bonnettis instead of sprint lol), or glads def, cyclone axe, bonettis def, putrid explosion, res bone minion(15nrg), death nova, taste of death, vile touch.
This build is all about dropping all of the griffons at once in stead of 1 at a time like w/mo farmers.
Rundown is:
Glads def, build adrenaline and spam vile touch to work on killing first griff, vile then cyclone right when glads ends(11sec), bonnetis(21sec), cyclone, vile, bonnetis(33secs), cyclone, bonnetis(44sec), vile, glads def, now this time while its going res a minion off of the first dead griff(49ish) and death nova it(51), taste of death +300hp in 51 seconds I took 75% dmg 27 dmg avg per sec from griffon so about 460hp down. Death nova does 80dmg and poisons, its over now. Thats on up to 8 griffons
This build is all about dropping all of the griffons at once in stead of 1 at a time like w/mo farmers.
Rundown is:
Glads def, build adrenaline and spam vile touch to work on killing first griff, vile then cyclone right when glads ends(11sec), bonnetis(21sec), cyclone, vile, bonnetis(33secs), cyclone, bonnetis(44sec), vile, glads def, now this time while its going res a minion off of the first dead griff(49ish) and death nova it(51), taste of death +300hp in 51 seconds I took 75% dmg 27 dmg avg per sec from griffon so about 460hp down. Death nova does 80dmg and poisons, its over now. Thats on up to 8 griffons
Mr D J
check this out w/mo but very fast farmin tho
Getting Started
good for up to as many griffons as you can actually aggro
Getting Started
good for up to as many griffons as you can actually aggro
i used a w/n MoP and SS for a while before AoE nerf, now MoP is affected by the AoE nerf and its more annoying then affective
Yeah MoP sucks balls.
Especially when the ONE girff you are trying to kill is the only one that runs from the aoe, then the rest stay surrounding u. It wasnt even taking any damage! It shouldn't run!
Especially when the ONE girff you are trying to kill is the only one that runs from the aoe, then the rest stay surrounding u. It wasnt even taking any damage! It shouldn't run!
MoP is affected by the AoE nerf ? Damn, thats bad news.
well SS is still fully functional, gotta be glad for that
SS ever gets nerfed and i might cry, or spam hate mail, or both
SS ever gets nerfed and i might cry, or spam hate mail, or both
dont feel no pain
hehehehehe same
Janky Crackafoo
Not sure if this really counts, but...
Balanced stance is that skill #5. Why?
Originally Posted by Janky Crackafoo
Not sure if this really counts, but...
Well, I dont know what it has to do with W/N farming but I do respect he who solos the griffon monk.
Mr D J
Originally Posted by WolflordUlrik
Well, I dont know what it has to do with W/N farming but I do respect he who solos the griffon monk.
its not really that hard but it takes time