Possibly a bug
So I was in Maguuma Stade, and when I pressed enter, a message would come up saying, "talking to ________" and the _______ would be the last npc I had clicked on. Then, whne I had been whispering someone, whenever I would press enter to msg them, the caht would come up, and whisper would be selected, but the name of the person I was whispering would be reset to my in game name. That was re-occuring, so I had to click on the persons name to get the whisper up with that person, then when I would type Ive, I would get the I typed in, but when I typed in the V, iTryzub Vronkv would come up. This also happened when I tried to type I and the Have. I clicked on the public channel, and when I typed Iv to get the iTryzub Vronkv up, then typed anyone else getting this? When I entered it, I would get the spam filter stopping me from saying that. I would type tons of otehr stuff and it would let me say it. Is this a bug, or something? Anyone else getting it?
Healing Hug
I underastand what you are saying and would suggest reporting it to arena net
Ok, I am going to search the GW home page for the support email address.
Healing Hug
kk, in the mean time Im sure any other ideas would e welcome you guys