Melee Caster Weapons
Wow! That's the most text I've ever had to read to essentially get "it's unneeded so, no". A lot of things are not necissary. We don't need a ninja class. We all know it's just going to be a variation of a warrior. Or a Ranger/Warrior. Do you really need anything in the game? No. It could have turned out any number of ways... See... that's the point of a suggestion. To change the game in one of it's aspects or add a new one.
As for beeline AI's and babysitting, I guess warrior's suck cause they're not convenient.
As for beeline AI's and babysitting, I guess warrior's suck cause they're not convenient.
Chev of Hardass
A major mechanic of the game would change with this implemented.
Currently, casters can do damage while the target is running (if they don't just dodge the projectiles), but they cannot do damge while in pursuit.
This would allow casters to do damage while running, and still not do damage while the target is evading.
Essencially, this would give some added percentage for the extra time that the caster can deal damage, but loose some amount that the anti-Melee type counters would help.
How that would effect balance, I don't know exactly. But, it is another thing to keep in mind.
Currently, casters can do damage while the target is running (if they don't just dodge the projectiles), but they cannot do damge while in pursuit.
This would allow casters to do damage while running, and still not do damage while the target is evading.
Essencially, this would give some added percentage for the extra time that the caster can deal damage, but loose some amount that the anti-Melee type counters would help.
How that would effect balance, I don't know exactly. But, it is another thing to keep in mind.
What? Casters can do WHILE running simply because they have melee weapons. I think not.. unless the target is snared or you have a speed boost. Either case is stupid, as you should not be trying to do actual damage with a caster weapon in the first place.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Wow! That's the most text I've ever had to read to essentially get "it's unneeded so, no". A lot of things are not necissary. We don't need a ninja class. We all know it's just going to be a variation of a warrior. Or a Ranger/Warrior. Do you really need anything in the game? No. It could have turned out any number of ways... See... that's the point of a suggestion. To change the game in one of it's aspects or add a new one.
As for beeline AI's and babysitting, I guess warrior's suck cause they're not convenient. |
If you (or anyone) can't be bothered to manually find your optimal positioning...why should the game do it for you?
Also, you may very well end up having to find optimal positioning yourself when the crux of the melee caster weapons idea fails, putting you back to square one.
Now how useful was your suggestion then?
Just think critically about it. There's obviously been a ridiculous amount of "critical thinking" on your part in coming up with this suggestion, so it's only fair to allow the same level of critical thinking to fashion a rebuttal to it.
And so far, I think the rebuttal is highlighting the flaws in your suggestion. It has raised the issues of the (largely) broken AI pathfinding in the game, a player overdependence on automated responses (thereby removing a significant portion of the player skill involved), and generally, what may very well result in sloppy combat dynamics...close-quarters spellcaster builds will become nothing more than "SPACE BAR SPACE BAR SPACE BAR."
And I find your Warrior point kind of redundant (not to mention a very weak rebuttal) here, because a good Warrior, like a good spellcaster, should not rely on the AI pathfinding in the heat of battle, primarily because the AI cannot recognize those strategic chokepoints--and let's be honest here. If a Warrior can't do strategic chokepoints...that Warrior isn't worth anything.
Come on, man. Just let this thing die.
Originally Posted by jesh
Either case is stupid, as you should not be trying to do actual damage with a caster weapon in the first place.
Originally Posted by Siren
If you (or anyone) can't be bothered to manually find your optimal positioning...why should the game do it for you?
It is already in the game. There is no new gameplay feature or anything beeing added.
The 'problem' is simply, you need auto-follow to stay close at your target. Auto-follow is not for finding the right spot to position yourself but just for following a feeling foe.
Imagine a warrior striking a kiting monk without the ability to auto-follow him. It would be very very hard and a good monk could evade most of the damage by running like a rabbit. That is not what it is supposed to be - we hopefully agree on this.
Now consider a touch ranger. He needs to stay in melee range all the time, but can't use touch skills all the time (cooldown, energy probs,...). So what to do? You are essentially not different from a warrior. You do damage with your weapon and when ready, firing your melee attack skills. Exactly the same thing a warrior does.
So is it too easy for a warrior to hit his target? IMHO it is not, but the point here is: why should a touch ranger have a big drawback?
Will he do more damage when he gets a melee caster weapon? Indeed he will. He will be able to reduce the casting times a very little bit (because he will stay closer to the target) and he is able to attack a few times while chasing his target.
Will this make him much stronger? No.
Will this make him more enjoyable to play? Yes.
Just consider a warrior without auto-following. Would it be enjoyable to play? For some pleople it may be very enjoyable, but for most people it simple would be too boring.
You need to focus on which steps the enemy makes and do a hell lot of micromanagement that simple isn't necessary.
Imagine the party member window wouldn't be there. Imagine how difficult it would be for monks. Same with touch rangers - a crucial part of melee fighters is to be able to follow a fleeing foe. Nearly every game (including GW) provides an auto-follow feature for that cases. This auto-follow feature doesn't help you on positioning yourself right and have an overview of the battlefield - it just helps you and allowing you to not have to play PacMan with your opponent.
And I find your Warrior point kind of redundant (not to mention a very weak rebuttal) here, because a good Warrior, like a good spellcaster, should not rely on the AI pathfinding in the heat of battle, primarily because the AI cannot recognize those strategic chokepoints--and let's be honest here. If a Warrior can't do strategic chokepoints...that Warrior isn't worth anything. |
No, this has nothing to do with player skill. Sorry. This is not a FPS where you need to think about every step you take. It doesn't matter if you stand here or 2 meters on the left. It _does_ matter where you stand on the battlefield - do you stand in AoE range of other players, etc. but auto-following won't help you here (and _this_ is player skill).
The problem is simple:
Warrior have an advantage over touch rangers just because there are warriors.
Exactly why melee caster weapons are an entirely useless suggestion. |
Do we need them? No. We don't need wands on casters anyway. We don't need more than two types of casters (healer + damage dealer) and we definately don't need physical damage classes like warrior and ranger. We do not need traps, we do not need AoE - but it's just cool to have them.
Melee Caster Weapons allow a few new builds to become more popular and more fairer to play. ATM a touch ranger fills the exact same role as a DPS warrior by doing nice damage over time. But he is much harder to play or you are forced to use a weapon that don't suite you (like a sword).
So the questions are:
*) does it unbalance the game
indeed it does _balance_ the game by giving equal chances to players
*) do we need it
like everything that fixes a minor balancing issue: it is needed, but not in a high priority
*) does it make the game to easy and reduces it to button smashing?
it sets melee-casters on the same level as warriors. Is warrior a class that just consists of button smashing?
i disagree. the reason there are no swords or weapons of the sort for casters is the fact that casters arent meant to use that kind of weapon. you odnt imagine someone with a sword casting spells, you imagine a person with a wand or staff casting spells. now, it wouldnt be a bad idea to modify staves to be melee weapons because that is actually how you would use a staff in real life. keeping melee weapons out of casters hands is just another way guild wars is keepin it more realistic.
guild wars is a fantasy game it's not supposed to be realistic it's supposed to be what ever your imagination can make it by your realistic talk i can tell you don't have a very good one
Chev of Hardass
Schorny, it sounds like you want the ability to fully utilize melee weapons, and some skills as well. Perhaps some sort of secondary profession is in order? I think Guild Wars might be able to impliment a way that you can have two professions and utilize the best of both worlds.
Something like
A Ranger with Ranger skills and Expertise and a Warrior with Warrior skills. You probably should not have the primary attibute of the secondary, but that is just a formality in the suggestion we are considering here.
The Ranger side can give you your touch skills, and the Warrior side can give you the Profenciency with Melee weapons.
I think Guild Wars should impliment this seconday profession asap.
Something like
A Ranger with Ranger skills and Expertise and a Warrior with Warrior skills. You probably should not have the primary attibute of the secondary, but that is just a formality in the suggestion we are considering here.
The Ranger side can give you your touch skills, and the Warrior side can give you the Profenciency with Melee weapons.
I think Guild Wars should impliment this seconday profession asap.
Originally Posted by Schorny
So we need to remove the auto follow option?
It is already in the game. There is no new gameplay feature or anything beeing added. |
The 'problem' is simply, you need auto-follow to stay close at your target. Auto-follow is not for finding the right spot to position yourself but just for following a feeling foe. |
Imagine a warrior striking a kiting monk without the ability to auto-follow him. It would be very very hard and a good monk could evade most of the damage by running like a rabbit. That is not what it is supposed to be - we hopefully agree on this. |
Now consider a touch ranger. He needs to stay in melee range all the time, but can't use touch skills all the time (cooldown, energy probs,...). So what to do? You are essentially not different from a warrior. You do damage with your weapon and when ready, firing your melee attack skills. Exactly the same thing a warrior does. |
So is it too easy for a warrior to hit his target? IMHO it is not, but the point here is: why should a touch ranger have a big drawback? |
Will he do more damage when he gets a melee caster weapon? Indeed he will. He will be able to reduce the casting times a very little bit (because he will stay closer to the target) and he is able to attack a few times while chasing his target. Will this make him much stronger? No. Will this make him more enjoyable to play? Yes. |
Just consider a warrior without auto-following. Would it be enjoyable to play? For some pleople it may be very enjoyable, but for most people it simple would be too boring. You need to focus on which steps the enemy makes and do a hell lot of micromanagement that simple isn't necessary. |
Imagine the party member window wouldn't be there. Imagine how difficult it would be for monks. |
Same with touch rangers - a crucial part of melee fighters is to be able to follow a fleeing foe. Nearly every game (including GW) provides an auto-follow feature for that cases. This auto-follow feature doesn't help you on positioning yourself right and have an overview of the battlefield - it just helps you and allowing you to not have to play PacMan with your opponent. |
So indeed. Remove all auto following forcing warriors to do _all_ following by themseves. Forcing casters to always stay in range and not able to auto-move the 2 steps towards the target, removing the ability to follow an ally. |
No, this has nothing to do with player skill. Sorry. This is not a FPS where you need to think about every step you take. It doesn't matter if you stand here or 2 meters on the left. It _does_ matter where you stand on the battlefield - do you stand in AoE range of other players, etc. but auto-following won't help you here (and _this_ is player skill). |
The problem is simple: Warrior have an advantage over touch rangers just because there are warriors. melee caster weapons are for an auto-follow feature like warriors have. |
Do we need them? No. We don't need wands on casters anyway. We don't need more than two types of casters (healer + damage dealer) and we definately don't need physical damage classes like warrior and ranger. We do not need traps, we do not need AoE - but it's just cool to have them. |
And forgive me for sounding rude, but what in the hell is your point? "It's just cool to have them"? What is that supposed to mean? "It's just cool to have" Interrupters, as if the game doesn't really require a character with Interrupt abilities? Good luck disrupting healing anywhere without Interrupts.
Your outside references are irrelevant because not only does it seem like an incredibly lame "grasping at straws" type of rebuttal tactic, we're not talking about entire professions here. We're not talking about how the game's professions are designed to complement each other, or to counter each other.
I'm speechless, really, why you would even bring up trapping/snaring, discussing how "we don't really need them."
And regarding the kiting Monk example from before, a kiting Monk illustrates how traps and snares, Mesmer and Water magic hexes (status effects) are far, far more than just "cool to have."
Melee Caster Weapons allow a few new builds to become more popular and more fairer to play. ATM a touch ranger fills the exact same role as a DPS warrior by doing nice damage over time. But he is much harder to play or you are forced to use a weapon that don't suite you (like a sword). |
So the questions are: *) does it unbalance the game indeed it does _balance_ the game by giving equal chances to players *) do we need it like everything that fixes a minor balancing issue: it is needed, but not in a high priority *)does it make the game to easy and reduces it to button smashing? it sets melee-casters on the same level as warriors. Is warrior a class that just consists of button smashing? |
Because you play melee-caster, there's a trade-off. Smiting builds, various types of Earth Ele builds, Touch Necros...most of those skills and spells ignore armor.
I disagree completely that in addition to possessing melee-range armor-ignoring spells, those characters should be able to highlight an enemy and hit the space bar, and suddenly be in optimal positioning to deal armor-ignoring damage.
That should just be common sense.
I still have not seen any sound arguments for the melee caster weapons. It's gone from convenience (which some demonstrated how it would be inconvenient) to...vagaries of points dancing around some type of damage potential reasoning (when the purpose of including close-quarters skills and spells is to inflict damage--to be effective--with those skills and spells and not with a melee weapon, presumably), to...a reasoning that depends on a "other things are useless" premise that borders on absurd.
There still is no clear, discernible sound reasoning for this suggestion and as the pages continue...the reasoning is not becoming any clearer. If anything, it's just getting more and more unfocused and vague as people attempt to justify the suggestion with sloppier and sloppier examples.
Let this suggestion die, please.
@Chev of Hardass:
a 'touch ranger' is a ranger/necro using vampiric touch and skills like that - because they are affected by expertise.
And I completly agree. But auto-follow has nothing to do with this.
It _is_. I can pack a sword any day. But it doesn't suite me. Indeed I _have_ to take a sword, or my touch ranger would be ineffecive compared to a warrior just because the 'cast time' of my attack skills is too long (because the auto follow feature will only be active when I use skills).
See: the auto-follow feature is there all the time. I just want it active when I need it.
a 'touch ranger' is a ranger/necro using vampiric touch and skills like that - because they are affected by expertise.
Originally Posted by Siren
What I've been saying is that people should not rely on the broken AI pathfinding to remain formidable combatants.
For casters? It's not already in the game. |
See: the auto-follow feature is there all the time. I just want it active when I need it.
Chev of Hardass
Well, I guess we need three professions. If two aren't enough..........
I want a skill that permanantly disables all of the skill bars on all of foes on the map.
I want a skill that permanantly disables all of the skill bars on all of foes on the map.
Originally Posted by Schorny
And I completly agree. But auto-follow has nothing to do with this.
And like I've said before (and before and before), the auto-follow (i.e., the AI path-finding) is largely broken. Characters get snagged on even the smallest of objects. The AI understands hitting the space bar to mean follow that object, nothing more. There barely is any distinction made between a aggressive and passive targets--especially when those targets/objects are running around.
It _is_. I can pack a sword any day. But it doesn't suite me. Indeed I _have_ to take a sword, or my touch ranger would be ineffecive compared to a warrior just because the 'cast time' of my attack skills is too long (because the auto follow feature will only be active when I use skills). |
See: the auto-follow feature is there all the time. I just want it active when I need it. |
The arguments for this suggestion are getting really sloppy now...and in some cases, contradicting other reasoning in the thread. Come on, let this die. lol
This is probably not the correct thing to say, but (w/o reading this whole thread completely) I would like the spell 'circle' enlarged. Many a time I go to cast a spell and my character runs to within spotting range of the enemy (pulling them to me of course) before they can actually cast the spell. If I am an Elementalist (& forgive me for what I am about to say/write), then I should be able to cast spells AWAY from the enemies....similar to Storm with the XMen. She casts spells from the air/flying....AWAY from the ememy, not within immediate attack range. I realize that the ability to 'fly' or move quickly (outside of running away...which is slow) is tooooo much to ask for, but if the character is an Ele., then they can control the elements, can't they? At the least, I should be able to cast spells out of the initial aggro least an extended one. This would extend the attack range of Ele.'s and could make having them in the party more of an advantage...esp. since AoE's were nerfed (running from Firestorm...etc).
Also, if they smartened up the AI in running from AoE's, then why do the henchies not come out of the fire pool during the Ring of Fire mission? They do not have enough since to stop standing there and getting burned, but yet the enemy can run from/evade AoE damaging....??? Seems a bit one-sided to me...
Also, if they smartened up the AI in running from AoE's, then why do the henchies not come out of the fire pool during the Ring of Fire mission? They do not have enough since to stop standing there and getting burned, but yet the enemy can run from/evade AoE damaging....??? Seems a bit one-sided to me...

Personally, I would enjoy the idea of melee weapon's for casters. In the character art they've done for the professions you see a mesmer with a rapier, but it's not possible to have on in the game. If we ditched every "we don't need it" idea that came to this forum we'd have no suggestions left! It would be a fun addition for casters who're tired of wands/staves who might want to be using melee, without having to change to a warrior secondary. Some people just like the look of it, some people would want it for the possibility of new skills to go along with them. It doesn't HURT anything, and can only make things more fun I'd have to say. So why not I figure.
Also, if more would like to continue this thread, please keep your discussions clean and constructive.
Also, if more would like to continue this thread, please keep your discussions clean and constructive.
Arwen Dejang
Originally Posted by Natotiger
Also, if they smartened up the AI in running from AoE's, then why do the henchies not come out of the fire pool during the Ring of Fire mission? They do not have enough since to stop standing there and getting burned, but yet the enemy can run from/evade AoE damaging....??? Seems a bit one-sided to me...
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As to the other Idea about having some new weapons in game neat if Aneat could try it it might be something neat to expand game play instead of focusing on why its such a bad idea because we are to set in how this game "shopuld" be played lets see if we could get some of you pro's together to see how to make it work? Constuctive critisism Req. the need to add to an idea not just shut one down.
I like the idea of the casters getting 2-handed Warstaves... pysical dmg same speed ass there wands maybe a bit slower not sure..... how would this neg. impact game play besides just chaging the style? You alaow casters close I read your previous arguments over the issue.. I understand that it would change the game play..slitly but would that be bad? If so can anyone think how to make this work?
after reading this thread in it's entirety, i've come to an informed decision:
You know what...fine. Let's implement this suggestion and when people see how abysmal the AI pathfinding is, they'll have only themselves to blame.
For the easiest example of how downright broken the pathfinding is, run around Whitman's Folly with a full squad of 8 (you and 7 henchies will be just fine for this) and tell me how well your character is navigating when the Grawls bunch up and you're trying to get in melee range for close-quarters spell casting.
This suggestion is made for the "convenience." But it's not going to be a convenience, especially when some people realize they're still going to have to take manual control and actually pay attention to their positioning--which completely castrates the suggestion, like I've said before.
I don't know why I seem to be the only one who sees that. Is it too much of a philosophical argument? Someone tell me, please.
If you want melee caster least tell us the actual reason why, instead of the lame and completely untrue "to improve the combat of the game" types of reasons. You want variation, fine. But don't pretend it'll actually add some sort of depth or anything.
For the easiest example of how downright broken the pathfinding is, run around Whitman's Folly with a full squad of 8 (you and 7 henchies will be just fine for this) and tell me how well your character is navigating when the Grawls bunch up and you're trying to get in melee range for close-quarters spell casting.
This suggestion is made for the "convenience." But it's not going to be a convenience, especially when some people realize they're still going to have to take manual control and actually pay attention to their positioning--which completely castrates the suggestion, like I've said before.
I don't know why I seem to be the only one who sees that. Is it too much of a philosophical argument? Someone tell me, please.
If you want melee caster least tell us the actual reason why, instead of the lame and completely untrue "to improve the combat of the game" types of reasons. You want variation, fine. But don't pretend it'll actually add some sort of depth or anything.
ok, i have vampiric touch and touch of agony, clicking on them activates the auto pathfinding.... *GASP* it's the same exact pathfinding you're claiming is broken (which i somewhat agree) for the melee weapons. no matter what, people are going to be resorting to pathfinding in one way or another. the people that take the time to intelligently navigate themselves around the map will be duely rewarded and the lazy players will be forced to stop being lazy. what does it matter to you so much, if they want to et themselves body blocked 5 inches from where they started, let them find out for themselves.
but leave us alone that want melee weapons for cosmetics and convenience. i probably wouldn't even use the damn things, but i think the option should be there.
all in all, i think you're just getting way too concerned for the people you show so much contempt for.
ok, i have vampiric touch and touch of agony, clicking on them activates the auto pathfinding.... *GASP* it's the same exact pathfinding you're claiming is broken (which i somewhat agree) for the melee weapons. no matter what, people are going to be resorting to pathfinding in one way or another. the people that take the time to intelligently navigate themselves around the map will be duely rewarded and the lazy players will be forced to stop being lazy. what does it matter to you so much, if they want to et themselves body blocked 5 inches from where they started, let them find out for themselves.
but leave us alone that want melee weapons for cosmetics and convenience. i probably wouldn't even use the damn things, but i think the option should be there.
all in all, i think you're just getting way too concerned for the people you show so much contempt for.
Arwen Dejang
Why is everyone so concerned with the pathfinding??? Who cares if all ppl use is the spacebar? The point is new verity in items... or maybe a nicer way for casters to take up a closer combat role... in the end just something new but for someone to make a bland offhanded comaent such as "this cant bring depth... or your resons are lame..." wow who is that person to deside. The game I hope is ment to expand and since they are comming out with a CH 2 I assume I am correct. But how will putting in melle weapons hurt the game?
Staffs are fine too. But you should be able to smack ur staff at someone "as melee" damage depending on the range rather than it would shoot fireballs when your foe is close. Some nice blunt damage there =) Maybe could be used as a stance or ar skill.
I always think of monks as martial art experts too.. so some melee damage should be good there naturally.
Mebbe a skill could look something like this.
5 Energy
20 second Recharge.
For 20 seconds. (If wielding a staff) Your staff is used for melee damage.
+ 2-20% armor penetration. depending on some stat i guess.
I always think of monks as martial art experts too.. so some melee damage should be good there naturally.
Mebbe a skill could look something like this.
5 Energy
20 second Recharge.
For 20 seconds. (If wielding a staff) Your staff is used for melee damage.
+ 2-20% armor penetration. depending on some stat i guess.
Originally Posted by Siren
This suggestion is made for the "convenience." But it's not going to be a convenience, especially when some people realize they're still going to have to take manual control and actually pay attention to their positioning--which completely castrates the suggestion, like I've said before.
I don't know why I seem to be the only one who sees that. Is it too much of a philosophical argument? Someone tell me, please. |
But this doesn't change the fact that melee-non-warriors can't use melee weapons to gain access to this feature.
I personally like the auto-follow feature and all of my friends use it too.
I wouldn't want to play catch-me-if-you-can with a monk who can then evade my axe strikes like arrows

Pocketmancer Exe
Before I bought the game, I was always under the impression that mesmers were going to melee. Well, I wonder if somebody from GW can tell us why they don't...
Chev of Hardass
Originally Posted by Pocketmancer Exe
Before I bought the game, I was always under the impression that mesmers were going to melee. Well, I wonder if somebody from GW can tell us why they don't...
Now woould people get over it. Melee Weapons require Warrior primary or secondary to be effective. If you are not good enought to follow without the Melee auto follow, then you do not need the game to become easier for you, you need to become better for the game.
Buffing poor quality player = nerfing good players
Originally Posted by Schorny
I wouldn't want to play catch-me-if-you-can with a monk who can then evade my axe strikes like arrows
![]() |
Be sensible. If you can't reach your target manually, the computer isn't going to be able to, because the computer is a complete moron when it comes to recognizing strategic movement.
And seems that people are arguing that pathfinding isn't broken. Think about it. Could this suggestion even be made in confidence if people understood the problem with AI pathfinding? Hell, would the suggestion have even been made in the first place if people actually understood the problem with AI pathfinding, and the ultimate contradiction in the end result in combat?
Again, is my argument simply too philosophical?
Aenimus, I just don't like half-baked ideas that rely on half-baked reasoning. This is one such half-baked idea that relies on half-baked reasoning. And your mention of V.Touch proves my point: through proper skill/energy management...the melee caster doesn't need melee weapons to stay close to melee range.
Kai Nui
Agreed. I'm a mesmer and I play echo/blackout, which requires me to touch the opponent. I have to touch them, and since echo is already 1337, I'm forced to not have IW. Which really stinks, so I have to swap secondary to Warrior and use some points in swordsmanship. Whee, swordsmanship 2...
Also, when monks run and I use the cane, it's a pain to follow, but if I have the sword and can black them out, I'm able to follow them. I use Ethereal Burden and Imagined Burden in my build, so they can't escape, but still walk away, which is a pain when I have a crummy roman candle.
Also, when monks run and I use the cane, it's a pain to follow, but if I have the sword and can black them out, I'm able to follow them. I use Ethereal Burden and Imagined Burden in my build, so they can't escape, but still walk away, which is a pain when I have a crummy roman candle.
How about having ability to change weapon speed... with some runes or upgrades?
Originally Posted by Bhaaltazar
How about having ability to change weapon speed... with some runes or upgrades?