which, in your opinion would be better for griffon farming - and why?
Atm my new griffon build uses shield of judgement instead of glads def, but im wondering if glads def would be easier?
Oh yea forgot, im a w/mo.
shield of judgement or glads def
Divinus Stella
For monks i prefer SoJ, but for a warrior farming build glad defence would be better.
Haven't properly tried glad def and SoJ works fine for my monk.
I guess you could try and experiment to see which suits your style the best.
Glad Def, however does cost less to cast and the recast time is shorter than SoJ.
I guess you could try and experiment to see which suits your style the best.
Glad Def, however does cost less to cast and the recast time is shorter than SoJ.
Gladiator defence if you are Warrior and there are a few shouts you can use shield up and another.
rugal nuker
hey,do u farm griffins ouside camp rankor? or the desert griffins?
Shimus DarkRaven
Desert griffs usually tend to yield higher results if looking for weapons, while all around drops <runes and things> I've experienced to be the "blessed" outside rankor.
--The Shim
--The Shim
Rankor grifs take more concentration by far.
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by JokerES
Rankor grifs take more concentration by far.
--The Shim